Pochetti would give more details today in front of the judge


The widow of Muñoz will expand her statement to benefit as a repentant Source: archive

Carolina Pochetti will be back today at

Commodore Py

at the judge's request

Claudio Bonadio

, to extend his statement as a repentant in the cause of

the notebooks of the bribes

. The testimony of the widow of

Daniel Muñoz

could be the key to the record, since the former private secretary of

Néstor Kirchner

appears in the drivers' notebooks

Oscar Centeno

as who received the scholarships with the supposed illegal collection both in the department of

Cristina Kirchner

at Recoleta, as at Rio Gallegos.

With the new lawyer, the official defender Juan Martín Hernida, Pochetti said last week before the lawyers of the cause, Carlos Rívolo and Carlos Stornelli, to obtain the status of repentant and thus recover their freedom. The prosecutors considered that his contribution was valid, but the judge was not able to approve his agreement.

The judicial authorities intend to obtain the necessary information to clarify the origin and destination of Muñoz's money, which despite the salary of a secretary, bought 16 properties in the United States, which were sold more than 70 million dollars thereafter. other property in the country.

On Friday, the judge ruled that he should check the statements of the accused, held in Ezeiza prison for three months. Now, Pochetti has to provide more information for Bonadio to decide to approve his agreement.


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