Pochetti's prison life: low profile and aesthetic care


Muñoz's widow has good relations with her companions; Do daily gymnastics and take care of hair dye Source: archive

Carolina Pochetti lived in a mansion of 1,000 m2 located in a residential area of ​​the federal capital. I had used to cross Saavedra Park, but lately, I have traveled so much abroad that it was difficult to locate it in Buenos Aires. He even found a partner after the death of

Daniel Muñoz

, the former private secretary of

Néstor Kirchner

which makes her a millionaire but also mixes her with

notebooks of bribes


But Pochetti's life changed in October: she was arrested, accused of being part of the scheme that was hiding 70 million US dollars out of Argentina. He left luxury in Ezeiza Penitentiary, although he kept his hobby to take care of his figure. Intelligent and respectful, are some of the definitions that he has chosen
THE NATION between the different sources that frequented her during her days in prison. She never tires of repeating in her environment that she feels "relieved" since she made the decision to repent.

They never hear complain about the conditions of their detention in Ezeiza prison. She has good behavior and better relations with her companions, but those who know her say that it was these months of imprisonment that led to her change of position in court, which resulted in her confession before Judge Claudio Bonadio. "Like many entrepreneurs, she feels like they've changed her life completely, but it's been like this for three months now," they summed up their surroundings.

Orange tights, wedge shoes and a denim shirt. Makeup and combed, as always, walked escorted by the fourth floor of Comodoro Py. Pochetti, 42, woke up the intrepid gaze of a man while he was detained for several weeks. As he was able to rebuild
THE NATION, the widow of Muñoz devotes several hours a day to physical activity in Ezeiza. He has never neglected his aesthetic.

"He complains because he misses his family and he loses his birthdays and those things, but nothing else," said one of his entourage to this newspaper, while stating that he was "content". His social life in prison is limited to nearly 12 companions, but parents and a couple of friends visited him, who were responsible for dyeing her.

In this constraint, he intends to resist if necessary a few more days in order not to risk seeing the price of his confession too expensive. Because? Although she repents, she is still imprisoned. If he hastens the proceedings and appealed his release before the Federal Chamber, another setback could keep him in Ezeiza until the end of the trial. On the other hand, he hopes that his help in the case will be compensated by Bonadio when he will define, in the coming days, the procedural situation of the entire environment of Muñoz.

While she is being held in Ezeiza, Pochetti's house in Saavedra is still occupied by her family, except when she went on vacation to Punta del Este. Uruguay is a destination that Pochetti knows by heart: he made 24 express trips between August 2008 and December 2016. Nine of them, even, were in a private jet.

There are few moments of anger that escape him when he talks about bribebooks. "That causes a lot of anger [Elizabeth] Municoy and [Sergio] Todisco [dos supuestos testaferros de su difunto marido] they will take it from above. They declared and immediately set out, "summarize, Municoy and Todisco, accused of being the pioneers of Kirchner, the first repentants of this group, while Pochetti first denied any connection to her husband's affairs. but at the last minute, entered as repentant.

His confessions are still mysterious, although having risen at the end of the repentant's train, he should have provided sensitive information about Muñoz's operations or their political relations to be accepted as a collaborator. His testimony is essential as he accompanied Muñoz while the former private secretary had built the offshore network to pull out millions of dollars from the country, one of the few clues to recovering money in notebooks bribes.

Muñoz calls Daniel dry. He explained that the former public servant was a reserved person who had specifically asked him not to ask him questions about his activities. Her ex-husband is not a recurring subject of conversation in Comodoro Py, despite the fact that Kirchner's former private secretary is accused of being behind this network that has hidden $ 70 million from corruption. "It refers to Muñoz only if someone asks him quickly," said a judicial source.

Meeting Muñoz changed his life and his legacy, which also spread to the shores of Miami and the most expensive areas of New York. If you even bought an apartment in the traditional Manhattan Plaza Hotel for $ 11 million. Justice suspects that her role took center stage with the death of her husband, when he accelerated his travels around the world.

The first indications of its role in the framework were provided by
THE NATION in the Panama Papers, a few days before the death of Muñoz. The former private secretary, already fired from the public service following charges of illicit enrichment, appeared as a shareholder of offshore company Gold Black Limited, accompanied by Pochetti, then unknown. They wanted to buy a property in the United States in 2010. And if they succeeded.


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