Podcast makers on Spotify can now engage with their followers using questions and answers



Spotify is one of the world’s largest podcast tools with a total of 345 million monthly active users, according to a report developed and published by the same company in early 2021.

More … than 2.2 million podcast channels, this sound application is positioned as one of the most listened to in the world in terms of “new radio” programs.

For this reason, for Spotify it is important to keep its users up to date, taking into account the competition that exists around this industry and the ease with which a person can consider switching to another platform.

For example, a few weeks ago this company launched a tool called Mergers, a new option with which users can see how Spotify creates playlists based on their music tastes and that of a friend of theirs.

“Mergers are so different from most other Spotify offerings because they automatically combine the likes of two different users into one playlist. It’s a great way to connect with and learn more about your friends, and it also makes long trips with friends even more enjoyable. “said Jen Lamere, senior engineer at Spotify and collaborator on the Mergers project.

However, as noted above, one of the strengths of this platform is not only music but also podcasts, the evolved form of traditional radio in which through pre-recorded programs uploaded to the platform shape, people can be informed or have fun by listening to your favorite topics. where and when you want.

Of course, this is know-how that Spotify has and taking advantage of its popularity with these types of formats, it decided to change the way people listen to a podcast on its platform by including “Questions and answers and surveys”.

According to the company, this new tool, made in collaboration with Anchor, seeks to create horizontal communication between podcast creators and their listeners, that is, the audios are not based on someone creating a podcast. and someone else creating it. From now on, we will try that the creator can receive comments from his listener and thus give more importance to the listener and not just to the one who plays.

“These interactive enhancements will make it easier for listeners to interact with the people behind their favorite podcasts and for creators to listen to their fans and listeners, right on Spotify. Q&A and Polls allow listeners to answer short questions posed by show creators on the podcast episode pages in the Spotify app (…) these features are available to all creators and Spotify’s Anchor listeners in 160 markets around the world, ”Spotify explained via an entry on its official blog.

Photo: Spotify
Photo: Spotify

Depending on the sound platform, and according to an analysis carried out by Infobae, this new function will be performed as in Instagram Stories or most social networks that have ‘Story’ mode among their options.

So when a creator chooses to post a question, their subscribers will see a drawer at the bottom of the screen where they can answer that question. Ultimately, The answers will come to the creator privately and it is he who will decide if he wants to share them on the page of the episode in question as well as to select the ones he wants to appear.

In the case of the poll, after responding to it, “listeners will be able to see how the general audience of respondents voted and how their response was compared.”

Finally, it should be remembered that this option will only be available for the moment for the mobile version of Spotify, both on iOS and Android.


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