Emma Marshall's health has deteriorated over time in an unlikely way for a 29 year old woman like her: memory loss, hair loss, extreme fatigue and skin problems. The British think that their poor condition is due to a Mold poisoning in the bathroom of your apartment.
For a year, in 2014, the bathroom of the Emma apartment – in East London – There was a thick layer of mold. DThen the symptoms started for the woman who works in the music industry.
Mental confusion, headaches and rashes "took his life", the portal informed Daily mail.
Along with his symptoms, he also began a pilgrimage for many doctors unable to give an accurate diagnosis of their disease.
That's until last year and thanks to a urine test, a doctor working with alternative medicine determined that there was a problem with their levels of mycotoxin, a toxic compound naturally produced by mold.
"My body continues to be slowly poisoned over the years" Marshall said.
What started with a little bit of acne, tiredness and body pains it became a more serious problem that involved a infection in the kidneys and a terrible fall that left him with a broken arm.
Toward the end of last year, desperate for more and more frequent health problems, Marshall consulted the Internet and discovered a specialist in holistic medicine. It was he who told him that his levels of mycotoxins were in the heavens.
Once he knows the cause of his illness, Marshall is ready to recover and has created a page in GoFundMe to raise funds to pay for his treatments.
Marshall you want to travel to Mexico for treatment in a specialized clinic.
"It's not easy and quick to heal, it's not the case of taking a pill and fixing something, but finding the root and doing everything I can," he writes. on his GoFundMe page.
With his initiative, he also seeks to raise awareness about intoxication by molds and mycotoxins. "I'd really like to see mycotoxin poisoning tests as a standard protocol, especially if someone lives in a moldy environment."
"People tend to live near mold without knowing what they do to their body"said the young woman.
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