Polarization on the agenda of the pope and bishops …


Pope Francis summoned the Argentine bishops who visited him at the Vatican to "seek leadership to help the meeting between the Argentines". According to what they said later, the bishops expressed their concern about "social polarization" and they are trying ways.

Francisco received this morning for more than two hours the first of the three groups who, between April and May, go "ad limina" to the Vatican. It was a "very cordial" meeting, as described by the Archbishops of La Plata, Víctor Fernández and Corrientes, Andrés Stanovnik.

During the meeting, some bishops questioned "the way the pope is sometimes treated in the media, if we look at all the news of the pope, there are few who highlight his great contributions and other insults, "he said. Fernández

"We do not blame Argentina, but it's a global phenomenon," said the pope.

For his part, Stanovnik denounced a "deteriorating work of the media pope" in Argentina and added: "We are in contact with our people and we think that the people love the pope, he values ​​it".

Fernandez added that there was a very tense political polarization that made the discussion very difficult. We are afraid to talk about any subject, because it is very rare that you interpret it correctly, that you always politicize it, in favor of a party or the government; and most of the time, one does not have by far the intention that is attributed. It happens to the pope and it happens to us. "

"On the cultural and social level, it's very difficult, the country has become very tense and the return has taken longer than it took to provoke this situation, the path will be slow, but society itself is becoming aware, "added Fernandez.

The Archbishop of Platense was particularly critical of the so-called "false news" and asked, "How can there be people who believe in it?" In any case, he added, "there are people who are beginning to understand that they say any thing, that you have to be more critical and be careful not to believe anything. ".

Stanovnik said that Francisco "also insisted on the search for leadership to help the meeting between the Argentines".


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