Poli asked the priests "to spend and exhaust themselves in pastoral charity" | Chronic


Cardinal Mario Poli, Archbishop of Buenos Aires and primate of Argentina, urged the priests of this Holy Thursday to "to spend and exhaust in pastoral charity ", Then, how are you doing "accumulates sadness and disenchantmentor and "lose a privileged source" of the "Presbyteral spirituality".

This Holy Thursday, Poly presided over the Chrism Mbad in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, where he invited the priests of this city "fixing our gaze on the chrism that we will all bless, and making a grateful remembrance of ordination, live the joy of being priests of Jesus ".

The Archbishop of Buenos Aires concelebrated Mbad with the auxiliary bishops and the archdiocesan clergy.
On this occasion "he urged the priests to keep their promises during their ordination, consecrated the holy chrism and blessed the oils that will be used during the year in the sacraments"explained the Catholic AICA agency.

"Priests are not indifferent if we think that our hands have been anointed with the oil of joy to consecrate, bless, dispense their mercies and celebrate the mysteries of salvation for all who wish to meet God", he said. The cardinal warned that "The beauty of sacerdotal giving becomes a pastoral joy when it is shared and distributed in the daily ministry, and spending time and getting lost in pastoral charity will always be an opportunity to experience the joy of service."

"On the contrary he exalted, when the gift is spared and hidden, it accumulates sadness and disenchantment; when this happens, we lose a privileged source of our priestly spirituality. "

The archbishop felt that "The Synod, which since its humble beginnings has taken steps to listen to and discern what God wants "today" for our church in Buenos Aires, is a gift of the Holy Spirit, who always seeks to renew the life of the Holy Spirit. anointing received during ordination. "
Poli said that "this is how I understood it from the first moment and, following the advice of Pope Francis, I wrote in the pastoral letter:" The way of Synod continues to listen to the pastors & # 39;
, he added.
"The wish of my brother bishops, and also of mine, is that today, by looking at the chrism that we are all going to bless and by reminding us with gratitude of ordination, live the joy of being priests of Jesus. Happy Easter of the resurrection! "he concluded.


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