Police accidentally kill a woman by shooting a dog


A police officer from Texas (United States) accidentally killed a woman on Thursday when she repeatedly fired at a dog running towards him. The Arlington police revealed images of the body camera of the agent showing the fatal incident.

Security guards and emergency services arrived at the scene after being alerted by the fact that a woman appeared to have fainted and was lying on the lawn. The person who warned the authorities could tell the agent where the woman identified as Margarita Victoria Brooks, 30, was.

An American policeman accidentally kills a woman by shooting at a dog who is attacking her
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– RT in Spanish (@ActualidadRT) August 4, 2019

When the officer approached the scene, he noticed that there was a loose dog. The agent tried to attract the attention of the woman and asked him about his welfare, but the animal began to bark and run towards him.

On the raw footage, you can see how the officer moves back and forth his weapon, with which he fires three times while showing the dog. However, one of the shots touched Brooks. The woman was transferred to a local hospital, where they confirmed her death due to an impact on the upper torso.

It was not clear whether Brooks was suffering from a health problem by the time it was discovered. Criminal and administrative investigations are in progress.




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