Police broke woman’s neck after submitting her – Siempre Juntos


A woman, identified as Victoria Salazar and originally from El Salvador, was murdered in Tulum, Quintana Roo, after police detained her, subdued her and one of them put her knee on her back.

The autopsy revealed that he died of a broken neck. “Fracture in the upper part of the spine caused by the rupture of the first and second vertebrae“, details the forensic analysis.

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At the same time, he adds that “the police technique of body control applied and the level of force used have been disproportionate, with a high risk to life, because it was not in accordance with the resistance of the victim, which caused a deceleration with rotation of the neck “.

The policeman’s maneuver He was captured by passers-by circulating in the area. In the footage, the woman is seen face down, while a policeman places her knee on her back.

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The woman screams and tries to break free, but the officers won’t let her. Seconds later, officers pick her up and place her in the back of a police unit. The event happened on Saturday afternoon.

According to local media, a few hours later the woman died.

On Monday, the prosecution instituted criminal proceedings against the officers –a woman and two men– for their probable participation in the crime of femicide and, in the coming hours, they will be admitted to the Social Rehabilitation Center to be placed at the disposal of a control judge.


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