Police have again used the "Trojan horse" for an operation against drug traffickers in La Plata


Troops entered hidden in a dump truck during an operation in San Carlos

Under the modality "Trojan horse", the police entered the district "La Palmera" San Carlos, hidden in a dump truck "not to be prevented" and during the anti-drug raids, she diverted a large amount of drugs and arrested ten people. .

According to police sources, an organization dedicated to the "narcomebado" of marijuana and cocaine was foiled by police in Buenos Aires after several raids in a locality called "La Palmera", located in the city of San Carlos in La Plata.

The investigation and arrests were carried out by members of the delegation of the Superintendency of Investigations on Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime of La Plata.

According to the investigation, this is a criminal organization composed of an intra-family structure, most of whose members originate from neighboring countries, engaged in drug trafficking in the neighborhood and, despite previous operations, was always active.

"The detainees, taking advantage of the neighborhood's situation of vulnerability and dependence, recruited them to use as sentinels or satellite soldiers to alert them of the arrival of the police and gave them the drugs." said one of the researchers.

For this reason, a group of people in uniform who played in the operation used an old dump truck to avoid being spotted in this area of ​​fiscal land, known as Malvinas II, although some locals also call it "La Palmera".

In total, there were ten detainees, including citizens from Paraguay, Bolivia and Uruguay, the majority of whom had a history of narcotics sales and many of whom were relatives.

In addition, more than one and a half kilograms of marijuana were seized, ready-to-sell cocaine hydrochloride packaging, money, cell phones and other items exhibiting an interest.

The proceedings, which included the intervention of the UFI Nº1 and the Court of Guarantees No. 3, were supported by the Secretariat of Public Policy, Security and Justice of the Municipality of La Plata, in addition to the collaboration of many other police services.


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