Police help a man to shave so he can find work (VIDEO)


When a man, identified as Phil asked the officer Tony Carlson of the Tallahbadee Police to help him shave, l & # 39; The man did not hesitate for a second and put his hand to work, without knowing that someone else was recording it.

In the pictures, Carlson can be seen in the parking lot of a gas station with a shaving machine removing Phil's beard, because that way he could find work in a restaurant of fast food.

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https://www.facebook.com/michael.wallenfelsz.3/videos / 2347723458587982 /

Through a video that was uploaded to his Facebook account, the officer said, "He asked me if I knew how to repair his razor because it was broken. I looked at it and saw that it was missing a screw, but as I had no spare part, I simply pressed the other one. for it to work "

The man tried to clean himself, but it was difficult without a mirror, so he asked the officer's help to remove his beard.

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https://www.facebook.com/TallyPD/videos/1939454606117192/ [19659002]

Greg Wallenfelsz a witness who was in his car, decided to take out his phone and record the whole scene. "I thought it would be nice to share with others the act of kindness disinterested as this officer has shown to this stranger, "he told CNN .

Phil told the driver of a local radio station that the restaurant manager had promised to have it. to hire when he came up at the beginning of the week with his beard shaved, so he took advantage of his opportunity.

"This is not spectacular. It happens all the time, only this time somebody has filmed it on video, "said Constable Carlson.

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