Police Rescued Young Woman Who Had Been Enslaved For 8 Years By Marriage | the Chronicle


Australian Police rescued indian girl that she was lying in a puddle of her own urine, weighing only 40 kilograms and that she was used as a slave for 8 years in a house in the Australian suburbs.

The incident happened in 2015, when the couple accused of detaining her he allegedly lied and claimed that they did not know the woman. AThe lawsuit against him awaits them, which begins this Friday, at the hands of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

By the time the police rescued her from Melbourn’s house, the girl recorded a temperature of only 28.5 ° C, on the verge of death from hypothermia, and he spent two months in the hospital recovering.

The defendant at the time she was summoned for an investigation.

Among the charges against the couple is the failure to guarantee “fundamental rights and freedoms, including their ability to leave their homes, communicate with other people and access medical care”.

Family and victim investigation and statements

Tax Richard Maidment said the woman came to Melbourne from her home in Tamil Nadu, southern India, to care for the couple’s three children in 2007. However, eight years later, Paramedics discovered she was emaciated, weighed only 40kg, and suffered from sepsis and untreated type 2 diabetes.

It was the wife of the family who called 911 after discovering that the young woman had passed out at her home in Mount Waverley.

His lie was that he claimed to not know her and had come to stay with them, but had left several times after receiving calls from strangers.

For its part, the victim also lied at the timealthough he later told authorities that he was still under the influence and control of the couple and that he was afraid of being in Australia illegally. Her visa expired in August 2007 and her passport in 2011.

The Indian woman said she only received between “5 or 10 dollars for his birthday” and a few coins in exchange for cooking, cleaning, folding clothes and babysitting.

“In the early days he was allowed to talk on the phone with his son-in-law and daughter two or three times a year, but since around 2012 contact has been reduced to almost nothing.”Maidment said.

The woman’s daughter had emailed the couple asking them to send her mother back to India. Investigators found the answer to be “fuck yourself.” In the second message, the couple replied in all caps, “tell her to fuck herself”.

From that moment, the victim’s family in India contacted Australian authorities, who launched an investigation.


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