Police saved suicide by giving him a hug | Chronic


A police officer from Arizona, United States, called Aaron Little, saved the life of a 26-year-old man who was about to commit suicide by jumping off a pedestrian bridge. He managed to save him with the simple offer of a hug. The event was produced last March, but the video was released Wednesday by the police department of that city.

In the pictures, you can see how Little spoke to the man, who had been trapped by the railing with the intention of jumping. "I'll kiss you, man, come here, I just want to talk to you, I promise you," the policeman was telling him. The officer reiterated the suicide that he had not lied and had promised to hug him when he came out of the ramp.

"Give me a hug, I will not do anything"continued little, and again asked the man to come. Then the guy climbed the fence and jumped on the deck near the agent. At that time, Little gave him the hug that he had promised to the man and he collapsed crying. The policeman calmed him down and they both left the bridge.

Suicide Prevention Center experts felt that the calm and compbadionate behavior of the police was a key element in a situation like this. In addition, they point out that Little made the right choice by keeping the distance with suicide.


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