Police shot dead a couple who sang love songs in a car | Chronic


Two members of the Hamden Police Department opened fire on a couple who were singing love songs in a parked car.

In the video, the officers are firing at the vehicle and a few seconds later you can also see the broken windows because of shots fired in the co-pilot's area. The events took place on Tuesday, April 16th.

The pbadenger of the automobile, Stephanie Washington, 22, was shot in the face but survived. On the other hand his boyfriend Paul Witherspoon out of 21, escaped unscathed and was transferred to the Hamden Police Hospital.

Capture of the video in which the couple sings.

According to early versions, the soldiers thought that the shooting had been involved in an armed robbery at a gas station around 4 am.

Due to the state of Connecticut's legislation, troops must carry a camera in a vest provided by the state. Strikingly, in this case, they left before the shooting.

The police commissioner James Rovella He badured: "It has never happened that we publish a video so early, the important thing is transparency and trust".

The shooting took place a few miles from Yale University and, as a result, students began holding debates to raise public awareness of racist issues.

Groups like the "Black Lives Matter" movement protested because they thought the African-American couple had been attacked because of the color of their skin.


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