police used a snake to interrogate an inmate


February 11, 2019
– 19.02

The event has occurred in Papua province. IMAGES CAN DAMAGE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF READER

Indonesian police acknowledged Monday that he used a snake during interrogation detained in the province of Papua, in the east of the country, and claimed to have taken disciplinary measures after the broadcast of a video of this incident by social media activists.

Papuan police spokesman Suryadi Diaz said that have prosecuted municipal police officers in the town of Wamena, inside the island of New Guinea, justified the use of the reptile as part of the investigation against those arrested.

"The municipal police confirmed that it was the fault of the investigators, but it was part of an interrogationDiaz said during a telephone conversation with the EFE news agency.


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The video shared on social networks shows a man with gentoo traits, who was accused of a minor crime of theft, with his hands immobilized in the back and a snake around his neck, while he screams and the policemen laugh and carry the mouth of the reptile to his face

Police question a prisoner with a snake

Verónica Koman, a lawyer specializing in the field of human rights, said that racism against the local Papuan population was common in this province, where: "Inhuman treatment" is regularly reported and there is a "culture of impunity""

Koman also noted that the use of snakes in interrogations has been reported several times, also against activists calling for the independence of the provinces of West Papua and Papua.


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