Political crisis in Italy: Sergio Mattarella has ended …


From RomeThe President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, The round of consultations with political parties ended on Friday in an attempt to resolve the government crisis caused 10 days ago by the former prime minister. Matteo renzi. But it doesn’t seem like there can be an immediate solution. Mattarella told reporters he would make a decision as soon as possible and that Italy was served by “a government with adequate support, so there is a need to verify that support” in Parliament. At the end of the afternoon, Matarrella met the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Roberto Fico. The answer must be communicated before Tuesday.

On Friday, the representatives of the right (La Liga de Matteo salvini, Forza Italia by Silvio berlusconi and Brothers of Italy from Georgia meloni) in addition to some centrist formations, but also the Five Star Movement (M5S). The law would not be as unified as it seems. Forza Italia, some media say, would be more willing to negotiate with the current government alliance, while Salvini only talks about a right-wing government or going to elections, and Meloni only wants elections. Speaking to journalists, Salvini insisted on the “NO to Conte” and on the need to decide quickly because the Italians “are losing patience”. Another important detail that emerged from the meetings was that the M5S would not be completely against renegotiating with Renzi, whose departure from the governing coalition caused the crisis.

During the meeting with the president, he said Vito Crimi, politician of M5S, “we have expressed our availability for a conversation with anyone who wishes to provide concrete answers in the interest of the country and in a spirit of collaboration.” “The only person capable of chairing this new government is Giuseppe Conte», He stressed. But the availability of the M5S to finally face Renzi, caused serious internal differences in the M5S. Alessandro Di Battista, a historical leader of the Movement, declared his decision to the contrary on Facebook. “Wanting to sit down with Renzi again means a big political mistake,” he said, assuring that he would quit the movement if that happened. But the media are talking about up to 40 deputies ready to leave the M5S.


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