Political earthquake leaves Máxima and Guillermo without their ally, Holland without ministers


The crown of Holland accepted the resignation of all ministers cabinet and Kings Máxima and Guillermo will thus lose a great ally, the Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Given the scale of the scandal, for now, only Rutte was in charge of the government, but on a provisional basis for two months. If the kings of Holland had a complicated 2020 for various reasons, at the start of 2021 the Netherlands are witnessing a unprecedented political earthquake.

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands is cycling after the conference due to the political scandal.

The scandal: tax fraud

The scandal which generated this political mess which did not leave a minister in his chair was the discovery of a false accusation of tax evasion some 26,000 families. According to them, some 10,000 families from whom they had received family allowances which – supposedly – did not correspond to them, had to return them. The result, in some cases, has led to unemployment, bankruptcy or divorce.

Queen Máxima and Guillermo, struggling: their popularity dropped in 2020

In addition, as the tax administration admits, at least 11,000 people have been selected for their ethnic origin or dual nationality, which fueled accusations of systemic racism in the Netherlands. The government has apologized for the tax administration’s methods and reserved more than 500 million euros, in compensation for those affected. In other words, it is estimated that each family will receive around 30,000 euros.

A word from Mark Rutte

“The government was not up to the task throughout this issue, ”Mark Rutte told reporters. “Mistakes have been made at all levels of government; the result: a terrible injustice has been committed against thousands of families. “The political responsibility for this scandal rested with the current cabinet and this accelerated the collective resignation of all ministers and even secretaries.

Since 2010, Mark Rutte led three coalition governments. On March 17, there are elections in Holland and Rutte – until this scandal – at the top of the polls. In 2020, this powerful prime minister opposed – unsuccessfully – parliament voting in favor of Guillermo and Máxima reporting annually on the spending the crown makes with taxpayer money.

The Netherlands found itself without a cabinet and its prime minister “survived” by interim until March.

In an official statement released a few hours ago, the Crown reported that Mark Rutte offered King William “the resignation of all ministers and state secretaries. The king has considered the resignation request and has asked the prime minister, ministers and secretaries of state to continue doing whatever they deem necessary in the interests of the kingdom. “


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