Politician humiliated a girl: "You have horrible and horrible obesity" | Chronic


In an effort to raise public awareness of the problem of overweight children, the Mayor of Ahome, Sinaloa, Manuel Guillermo Chapman, took as an example a 3-year-old girl to whom she alluded with little tact about her overweight.

The president of the municipality visited the Initial Training Center for Indigenous Peoples, in the community of Goros Número 2. The video broadcast on social networks shows the moment when Manuel Guillermo met teachers and students from the primary school . Nancy

Chapman asks the girl, in front of her clbadmates and her teacher, what are the names of her parents and what she likes to eat.

"Nancy (the teacher), come here do you like it .. What do you like to eat … you eat a lot of candy?"Ask the mayor of the girl, who says in a low voice that she eats eggs and loves sweets.

The president of the municipality questioned the teachers about the minor's health (courtesy of ahome.gob.mx)

Later, the mayor informs one of the professors:

"What's wrong with this girl? This girl has terrible and horrible obesity. Do you know or do not know?"

"Yes we know"answers the teacher and adds: "because the mother gives what she asks, at any time … she is the only child ".

After the interrogation, the mayor gives a hug to the girl and continues her visit to the campus of the school.

The parents of the minor decided to stop sending him to this school for fear of intimidation. In addition, the girl had to be psychologically badisted by the traumatic moment that the manager had subjected her to.

The mother of the youngest of three, was offended and even had to take medicine for the impression of insult: "On Monday, I felt bad for what had happened and they brought me medicine for my diabetes. My sugar has increased and now I was taking insulin and I felt better "said the local Debate portal.

The mayor excuses himself through a video

Guillermo Chapman, apologized through his social networks and said that his intention was not to hurt anyone. He said the purpose of his meeting with the children and their teachers was to preserve public health and reach the entire Mexican population.

"I wish, through this technological resource, to express my sincerest apologies, because I may have been overindulged when I was at the Goros 2 Initial Training Center with daughter Nancy"began the mayor.

"If I remember correctly, our country is unfortunately one of the leaders of this disease, which causes atrocities in the public health of our children, in our greatest treasures that we have as a people and in as a nation "Chapman continued.

And he stressed: "Never, under any circumstances, was my intention to harm this very precious girl, I was discussing with one of the teachers of this unfortunate disease and the terrible conditions they suffer and suffer in their school , to attend this important sector of the population, who deserve, from us, all the support and respect always".

"In that sense, with all due respect and humility, I would like to sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart to Nancy, her family, her teachers and her clbadmates."finished Chapman, who sees the video with discouragement.


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