politicians, actors and journalists K explain to Alberto Fernández how to negotiate with the IMF


It has 10 pages and in the last three hundred surnames and first names are piled up, one glued to the other (and the signatures follow …) These are the politicians, the actors and the journalists identified with the most Kirchnerism. hard, who decided to draw a “Proclamation of May 25” tell Alberto Fernández how to negotiate with the IMF.

The document moving forward Bugle is another proof of the pressure commanded by Cristina Kirchner to condition the President and the Minister of the Economy Martín Guzmán to talks with the IMF to refinance the debt contracted by the government of Mauricio Macri.

One of the pilots Within the text is MP Fernanda Vallejos, the economist who shared a list with the former president in 2017 and became one of his spokespersons on the issue.

And not only that: the current head of the finance committee of the lower house was also motorized at the time a request in favor of Amado Boudou.

To begin with, the text that will be broadcast on social networks describes the complex moment the world is going through due to the coronavirus and then dive into the local situation.

“In Argentina, the COVID-19 pandemic is not giving respite and threatens to halt the ongoing economic recovery. Infections and deaths have skyrocketed. The economy was already in major crisis after the government of Mauricio Macri and, with the pandemic, the economy and the social emergency worsened further. “

“Our country is in a situation of ‘state of necessity’ which prevents it from meeting the debt commitments contracted, in particular with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other organizations, under the risk of undermining higher interests that the State must protect, in a context of a pandemic: social vulnerability, health, work, education and housing for the entire population “.

“It is for this reason that we consider it essential that the public resources and available foreign exchange of the country be allocated as a priority to take care of the life and health of our people and to mitigate the social impact of crisis.”

And then yes, he lists seven proposals, some of which have already been verbalized by the vice-president herself or have taken the form of a project in the Senate, to mark the ground and limit Guzmán’s movements. There are seven points:

“Promote the suspension of principal and interest payments to the IMF and the Paris Club, while the health emergency continues.”

“Reschedule deadlines with all international financial organizations with terms consistent with true payment possibilities in the country.”

“Renegotiate the reduction in interest, fees and commissions provided for in the current agreements.”

Alberto Fernández met Kristalina Georgieva, Director of the IMF, in Rome during her recent European tour.  Photo presidency,

Alberto Fernández met Kristalina Georgieva, Director of the IMF, in Rome during her recent European tour. Photo presidency,

<< Utiliser la quote-part qui correspondrait à l'Argentine (estimée à environ 4 350 millions de dollars), de l'émission prévue de droits de tirage spéciaux (DTS) par le FMI d'un montant total de 650 000 millions de USD, pour renforcer les réserves internationales de la BCRA, en allégeant les restrictions qui limitent l'attention aux graves problèmes découlant de la pandémie de Covid-19 et favorisent la santé, l'éducation, le logement, le travail, la réduction de la pauvreté et l'indigence, entre autres et le non-paiement de la dette pour le principal, les intérêts ou les dépenses >>.

“Support the criminal complaint brought by the national government against the interim officials of the previous government for obtaining the” stand by “loan from the IMF.”

“Investigate the destination of funds from said loan to identify those responsible for the flight of capital, as evidenced by the investigation of the Central Bank of the Republic of Argentina.”

“Ask the IMF to provide all the support necessary to continue investigations, to determine and differentiate legitimate debt from illegitimate debt and, likewise, to work together to find the funds that have fled the country.”

Who signs

At the end, the signatures appear. The first one It is not that of Vallejos but that of former judge Raúl Zaffaroni. The upper part, in this order, is completed:

Pablo Moyano (Deputy Sec. General of Truckers) – Hector Daer (Sec. Gral. CGT) – Hugo Yasky (Sec. Gral. CTA) – Paul Micheli (CTAA Leader) – Guillermo Moretti (UIA Vice-President) – Andres Gallardo (Pte. Pan American Committee of Judges for Economic and Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine) – Victor Hugo Morales (Journalist) – Maria Teresa Garcia (Government Minister, PBA) – Gustavo Melella (Governor of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands) – Gildo Insfran (Governor of Formosa) – Felisa miceli (Former Minister of the Economy) – Beloved Boudou (Former vice-president) … “.

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