Politicians, businessmen and more: who are Argentinians ‘splashed’ in new offshore documents leak


New document leak has rocked global public opinion by revealing an abundance network of companies registered in tax havens, dependent or linked to the most outstanding personalities in politics, economy, sport and the entertainment world. AND Argentina occupies a prominent place.

Pandora Papers: Documents leaked from offshore accounts of Piera, Putin and other world leaders

The “Pandora’s Papers” O (Pandora Papers), as the most recent and largest leak of tax haven documents has been called released this Sunday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in cooperation with 617 journalists from around the world, comes from announce that around 2,500 Argentines are the final beneficiaries of companies registered abroad seeking to reduce or even escape the tax burden.

Among the Argentinian figures, there are those from politics, business, sport and entertainment. Two brothers of the former president Mauricio Macri, Gianfranco Macri and Mariano Macri. The first of them was designated as the support of family businesses which had the authorization of the ex-president, even of his “front man”. The younger of the brothers, on the other hand, recently published a book harshly criticizing the oldest of the dynasty, in which he implied the existence of an abundant network of companies with which the holding founded by Franco Macri avoids operating costs in various markets.

They are also part of the documents that will be published in more depth in the coming days. Daniel Muoz, the former private secretary of Nestor kirchner, which also appeared in the Panama Papers. Ernesto Clarens, nicknamed “the financier of the Kichners”, whose name has become better known by the “Cause of notebooks “, also appears in this new revelation.

Fame and business in tax havens

Although it is not a crime to register businesses in foreign jurisdictions, registering businesses in destinations with opacity in handling information is controversial because, in many cases, it has favored the “laundering” of funds derived from illegal activities, as well as the avoidance of the payment of taxes to the treasuries of the countries where the companies actually carry out their activities.

In flight more than twenty renowned businessmen appear, as expected by Argentine journalists involved in the processing of more than 11 million documents in which Argentina is mentioned 57,000 times. There are also sports figures like ngel Di Mara, player of Pars Saint-Germain, and Mauricio Pochettino, technical director of the Parisian entity.

The former captain of the Argentine national team, Javier Mascherano, also appears as the beneficiary of these investments abroad. According to the shipment Infobae, the environment of Rosario and other actors have noticed that the companies off the coast they were “duly declared to the tax authorities”.

The businessman and football leader is also mentioned in the scandal Humberto Grondona, son of the late Julio Grondona, president of the Argentine Football Association (AFA) for more than 25 years.

Many of the beneficial owners that appear in the data are from Latin America. More than 90 of the more than 330 politicians and officials included in the data are from the region. Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela are among the countries with the highest representation of final beneficiaries. In the leaked data, Panamanian law firm Alcogal has the largest group of Latin American and Caribbean clients, according to the ICIJ.


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