Politicized Netflix: The Left Rejects the Series on Trotsky


The show of the Russian tevé contains "all kinds of lies to denigrate his silhouette", say intellectuals around the world

Politicized Netflix: The Left Rejects the Series on Trotsky

Scene from "Trotsky", the series on the revolutionary broadcast on Netflix

Slavoj Žižek, Fredric Jameson, Nancy Fraser, Michael Löwy and Eduardo Grüner are among the eminent intellectuals who subscribed to a statement inviting Esteban Volkov, grandson of Trotsky, to reject the series on the revolutionary available on the platform Netflix.

The mini-series made by Russian television includes eight episodes and was premiered for the first time on Channel One (Russia) on November 6, 2017, on the occasion of the centenary of the Russian Revolution. Since this year, she is part of the Netflix catalog.

In the statement – published simultaneously in several languages ​​and broadcast in Argentina on laizquierdadiario.com -, the signatories, including the left-wing politicians Nicolás del Caño, Myriam Bregman and Néstor Pitrola What is the purpose of Putin to revive these falsifications? "And highlight his past as KGB director and" his aspirations for great Tsarist Russia ".

The statement denounces a series of lies about the spread of the Russian revolution in the series: although the show's authors claim to be based on actual events, the text says they perform all kinds of falsifications to denigrate the figure of Trotsky and the main ones. leaders of the Russian revolution. In the series, they write, Trotsky is portrayed as an egocentric, messianic, authoritarian, inhuman and criminal personality. On the other hand, his badbadin, in the series the Stalinist agent Ramón Mercader, is an honest, critical and sensitive journalist, who establishes an extensive and non-existent relationship with Trotsky.

According to the statement, the series refers to the relationship with Lenin before and during the revolution, postulated simply as a struggle of egoism and agreements of convenience ", resulting in the absurdity of". to invent that Lenin wanted to barter a balcony at Trotsky, "reads the statement. In addition, the series omits the crimes of Stalin and the Moscow trials, where almost all the Bolshevik leaders of the revolution and all alleged opposition to the power of the bureaucratic regime perished.

Netflix adds new controversy over its ability to reach millions of viewers around the world after the "The Method" series, inspired by the "Lava Jato" corruption scandal, has been criticized in Brazil as an attempt to denigrate Lula's personalities and Dilma, a crucial year in the political life of the neighboring country; and what versions of the first on the platform of a series on notebooks K conducted by Lanata have generated such repudiation in the networks, where the militants claimed that it was an electoral movement, that the On-demand service eventually separated from the project.


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