Pope expelled Brazilian priest for sexually abusing nuns and "brainwashing" them – 21/02/2019


While at the Vatican on Thursday opened an unprecedented summit against badual abuse, it was announced that Pope Francis had decided expel a Brazilian priest from the Church after a canonical investigation related to this same crime.

That's Jean Rogers Rodrigo de Sousa, 45, who has nuns and novices badually abused.

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"The priest has received from the Holy Father the decree of loss of the clerical state and the exemption from fulfilling the corresponding obligations", indicates a document bearing the signature of Bishop Guillermo Steckling, published Thursday by the newspaper Folha from San Pablo.

He now excites, who calls himself "Father Rodrigo María", took the habits 19 years ago and was denounced by 11 women, among whom there are former novices and novices.

With the previous pontiff, Benedict XVI. (Facebook friends of father Rodrigo Maria)

With the previous pontiff, Benedict XVI. (Facebook friends of father Rodrigo Maria)

The facts date back to 2006 when the expelled headed the Arca de María community in the city of Anapolis, in the state of Goiás, near the capital Brasília.

The investigation ordered by the Vatican led to the conclusion that De Sousa not only badually subjected several women; "brainwashing".

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In his last destination, in the Paraguayan city of Ciudad del Este, Bishop Steckling had ordered him not to exercise or to dress. But he ignored it and the diocese accused him of "numerous and serious violations of divine laws"

The details

One victim stated that the ex-priest had subjected the group to a strict regime providing, for example, rape girls who have committed indiscipline.

(Facebook friends of father Rodrigo Maria)

(Facebook friends of father Rodrigo Maria)

An ex-man said, on condition of anonymity, that the man he's badd when communicating via the Internet.

according to Folha, at the time father Rodrigo María He admitted "indecent acts" like showing his penis via Skype.

In an audio cbadette, he claimed that there were girls who had fallen in love with him and the newspaper told him that he was innocent and that he had never had any relationship with no religious. It has been declared attacked by "the opposition inside and outside the Church" to be conservative.

One of his messages: "Time is worth souls, cry to the whole world: Help save souls! Give your merits to Our Lady ... Be a slave of love!" (Facebook friends of father Rodrigo Maria)

One of his messages: "Time is worth souls, cry to the whole world: Help save souls! Give your merits to Our Lady … Be a slave of love!" (Facebook friends of father Rodrigo Maria)

He attributed everything to "the fury of the despised woman", which is "the most destructive force in the universe.

During the last election campaign, he left social networks He expressed sympathy for the far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro, current president.

"He is the only one to have the courage to speak against communism and socialism, against abortion, against gender ideology and against corruption. It deserves our support, "he said in a nearly 15-minute video he uploaded on his YouTube channel, in which he divided candidates into" voters and non-voters "for a Christian.

In another intervention, he asked "Hail Mary to rid Brazil of communism"

Beyond the papal decision, the Brazilian justice has opened a case against De Sousa, which is being secretive.

sources: ANSA and Folha. AEZ


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