Pope Francis arrived in Rome


The Boeing 787 of the Colombian line Avianca with on board the Pope Francisco landed around 11:15 at the Roman airport of Ciampino from Panama. Before returning to the Vatican, Francisco prayed in front of the "Salus Populi Romani" in the basilica of Santa María La Mayor

Vatican City

Pope Francis is already in the Vatican. His 26th International Apostolic Journey to Panama was completed after six intense days devoted largely to the meeting with the 700,000 young people who animated at various times the 34th World Youth Day, under the slogan of the strong Marian connotation. : "Here the Servant of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your Word."

Before returning to the Vatican, the Holy Father returned, as usual, upon the return of each apostolic journey, to the Roman Basilica of Santa Maria La Mayor, to pray before the Virgin, the "Salus Populi Romani" and leave a bouquet. of flowers in gratitude for the trip that has just ended.

From Tocumen Airport, the aircraft of the Colombian company Avianca took off at 00:23 Italian time, after the sober farewell ceremony. The pope was received at the Panamanian airport by the country's president, Juan Carlos Varela Rodríguez, and his wife, where they held a brief private meeting in a room prepared for the occasion, before the Saint -Father does not leave the country of Central America.


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