Pope Francis asks to pray for the victims of a new shipwreck in the Mediterranean


Pope Francis was surprised by an unexpected prayer silence for the victims of a recent sinking in the Mediterranean and launched a new appeal to the international community.

At the end of the Angelus prayer, this Sunday, July 28, the Holy Father asked the thousands of faithful gathered in Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican to ask for the prayer of the Marian Sunday prayer.

"I have received with pain the news of the dramatic sinking that occurred a few days ago in the waters of the Mediterranean, in which dozens of migrants lost their lives, including women and children", Said the Pontiff with a very serious tone.

That is why Pope Francis on Sunday launched a new prayer request to Catholic faithful and called on the international community to act "promptly and with determination" in order to prevent people from continuing to risk their life in the Mediterranean Sea and die in other shipwrecks. .

"I reiterate a sincere appeal to the international community to act with speed and determination, to prevent such tragedies from happening again and to guarantee the safety and dignity of all"Exclaimed the pope.

In this sense, the Holy Father invited the Catholic faithful to pray with him "for the victims and their families" and remained in an unusual prayer silence.

In addition, Pope Francis also invited to ask "from the bottom of the heart" God the Father "Why?" The day the Sunday Gospel presents the biblical story in which Jesus Christ teaches the disciples the prayer of Our Father.

he #Papa Francisco Keep silent to pray with the faithful in St. Peter's Square about the recent sinking in the Mediterranean Sea during which dozens of migrants lost their lives, including women and children. he #Dad Ask God the father: why? # refugees # Angelus pic.twitter.com/ndMG0GtStv

– Mercedes De la Torre (@mercedesdelat) July 28, 2019

This is not the first time that the Pontiff has led a call to prayer for this reason and he also asks the international community to act for the dignity of the human person in the face of the tragedy of forced migration and those who have the right to receive support. humanitarian aid or to be recognized as a refugee.


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