Pope Francis at the general audience showed his way of the cross and invited him to pray


On January 30, during the general audience, Pope Francis revealed that he had in his pocket a little book called "Via Crucis" and that he usually prayed at any hour.

During the catechesis that took place in the Paul VI hall, the Holy Father stopped on some of the stages of the World Youth Day (WYD) of Panama 2019, among which the traditional Way of the Cross held Friday.

The pope explained that the hundreds of thousands of young people gathered in Panama brought "with Jesus and Mary the weight of the condition of so many suffering brothers and sisters in Central America and throughout the world", among which many young victims forms of slavery and poverty.

On the way of the cross made during World Youth Day, the Holy Father declared that it was important to "walk with Mary behind Jesus who carries the cross is the school of Christian life : there you learn a patient, silent and concrete love "; and he confided that he always had in his pocket a little Via Crucis to pray to him when he had time.

"I confide in them, I like to do the Via Crucis, because it's to go with Mary behind Jesus, and I always carry it with me to pray at all times." A pocket Via Crucis that 'A very apostolic person gave me in Buenos Aires and when I have time, I take it and I am Via Crucis'.

Therefore, the Pope invited Christians to pray also: "Make the way to the cross because it is following Jesus with Mary on the way to the cross where he gave his life for us, for our redemption. In Via Crucis, a patient, silent and concrete love is learned, "he said.


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