Pope Francis called for the end of "injustice, abuse and violence" in the world


In his traditional message of Easter, the dad Francisco He spoke today, as part of Easter's blessing, of the current crisis situation in two countries of the American continent: Venezuela and Nicaragua. Regarding what is happening in the South American nation, the bishop of Rome called at the end of "social injustice, abuse and violence". The pontiff said that he thought of the people of Venezuela, where there is "so many people do not have the minimum conditions to live in dignity and security, because of a crisis that continues and worsens".

In the morning, the Pope presided at Easter Mbad on St. Peter's Square – the most important liturgical moment of the Christian tradition, evoking the resurrection of Christ – and then he greeted the crowd. At noon, from the loggia of the basilica, he delivered his message of Easter, where he referred to the various parts of the world marked by violence.

Regarding what is happening in Nicaragua, Francisco asked for a solution "peaceful and negotiated"He also reminded Latin Americans that "they suffer the consequences of difficult political and economic situations". "That the Lord grant those who have political responsibility to work to put an end to social injustice, abuse and violence, and to take concrete steps to remedy the divisions and give the people the opportunity to do so. help she needs, "he said.

Francisco also called for peaceful solutions so that "the arms stop blood Libya" and for "to promote the return" of refugees in Syria. He also urged "reconciliation" in Southern Sudan. "That a new page be opened in the history of the country, in which all political, social and religious actors are actively engaged for the common good and the reconciliation of the nation"said the pope, about the situation in South Sudan.

Horror in Sri Lanka: a series of attacks in churches and hotels make 207 dead

Sri Lanka After learning about the attacks in the Asian country, Francisco sent a message to the people who suffered serious attacks."I wish to express my loving closeness to the Christian community, beaten while I was gathered and praying, as well as to all the victims of this cruel violence." of this dramatic event. "

"I pray for the victims of the cruel violence that has occurred in Sri Lanka," said the Pontiff.

At present, the attacks in Sri Lanka have left 207 dead, although it is not excluded that there are more deaths, given the number of people injured after the terrorist attacks. against churches and hotels.



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