Pope Francis celebrated the victories of Argentina and Italy | While you are recovering from your operation


Pope Francisco will stay in hospital “a few more days” to “better optimize medical and rehabilitation therapies,” the Holy See press office reported on Monday in a statement.

From the Vatican, they revealed that Francisco spoke in the last hours with people close to the Argentina and Italy teams, the two winning teams of the Copa América and the Eurocup respectively, to whom he expressed his joy at the victory.

“By sharing the joy of the victory of the Argentinian and Italian teams with those close to them, His Holiness dwelled on the importance of sport and its values, ”reported the Pope’s spokesperson.

According to Bruni, the Pope was also interested “in this sporting capacity to be able to accept any result, even defeat”. “Thus, faced with the difficulties of life, we can always get involved, fight without giving up, with hope and confidence,” said the Pope, according to his spokesperson.

From the Holy See, they maintain that the Pope progresses as planned and continues the prescribed treatment.

The restoration of the Pope

Vatican Press Office director Matteo Bruni said in a statement that the Pope has already completed the postoperative period. The 84-year-old Pope has had colon surgery for the past 4 years, to “severe diverticular stenosis with signs of sclerosing diverticulitis” in which part of the colon has been removed and required general anesthesia and is progressing favorably.

Yesterday, Sunday, he reappeared from the balcony of the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, where he is admitted, to pray to the Angelus and demand a quality health system that is accessible and “free” for all.

Bruni said today that before the Angelus, the pontiff visited young oncology patients and that some later accompanied him to the balcony, on the occasion of the Marian prayer.

At the end of the prayer, Bruni added, he spoke with the hospital patients and health workers at his factory on the tenth, and in the afternoon “he celebrated holy mass in the private chapel. with the staff who assist him on a daily basis “.


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