Pope Francis criticized "the money of God" | Chronic


Pope Francisco said today that "God's money"create"inhuman and unfair societies " and encouraged companies to focus not only on profits, but also on solidarity work to promote the common good.

"It is only if we realize that our true wealth consists of relationships and not mere material goods, that we find alternative ways of living in a society that is not governed by the God of God." Money, an idol that cheats and then leaves it more inhuman and unfair "he said Jorge Bergoglio at an audience with members of the Confederation of Italian Cooperatives held in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall.

The #Cuaresma it is a call to stop, to go to the essential, to fast of what is superfluous and to distract us. It's an alarm clock for the soul.

– Pope Francisco (@Pontifex_es)
March 16, 2019

The pontiff criticized the "iThe individualism and selfishness characteristic of liberalism"and says that they prevent"full happiness " because they do not heed others, Efe reported. In addition, he criticized the fact that capitalist companies aim "mainly profit" and praised cooperatives that have "as the main objective the balanced and proportional satisfaction of social needs"

"It is true that the cooperative must also seek benefits, be efficient and effective, but all this without losing sight of mutual solidarity "he said.

Bergoglio felt that the current world "is sick of loneliness" and lamented that there are people who commit suicide, "driven by despair, fruit of this loneliness"

"We can not remain indifferent to these dramas and all, to the extent of our possibilities, we must commit ourselves to eliminate some of the loneliness of others"he maintained. Finally, he stressed that cooperation implies "overcome the roof of an economy that runs the risk of producing goods, but at the expense of social injustice " and it also meansovercome the inertia of indifference and individualism, by doing something alternative and not just lamenting ".


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