Pope Francis expressed his “joy” for the titles of Argentina and Italy


By a declaration from the Vatican, the happiness of the Sovereign Pontiff was announced for the consecrations of the Albiceleste and the Azzurra.

dad Francisco

the Pope Francis today expressed his “joy” for the titles of Argentina and Italy America’s Cup and Euro Cup this weekend, according to the Vatican.

By sharing the joy of the victory of the Argentinian and Italian teams with his relatives, His Holiness dwelled on the importance of sport and its values ​​”, Pope spokesman Matteo Bruni communicated during the delivery of the daily medical report on the health of Jorge Bergoglio, hospitalized since last Sunday at the Gemelli polyclinic in Rome after a colon operation.

Yesterday, Italy were crowned European champions by beating England, while Argentina won the Copa América after beating Brazil on Saturday at the Maracana.

According to Bruni, the Pope was also interested “in this sporting capacity to be able to accept any result, even defeat”. “Thus, faced with the difficulties of life, we can always get involved, fight without giving up, with hope and confidence”, noted the Pope, according to his spokesperson.

Pope Francis will remain hospitalized for a few more days

Bergoglio, 84, is recovering from an intervention in the colon for which he will remain hospitalized “a few more days”, said the Vatican.

Photo: Getty Images


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