Pope Francis has declared himself against any foreign intervention in Venezuela


Pope Francis sent a message to Venezuelans

Pope Francis spoke on Thursday unlike any “external intervention” in Venezuela in a message sent on the occasion of the beatification of Doctor José Gregorio Hernández, in which he asked Venezuelans for “reconciliation” and “unity”.

“I ask that, among all of us, we recover this Venezuela in which everyone knows they fit, in which everyone can find a future. And I ask the Lord that no external intervention prevents you from walking on this path of national unity“Said the Argentine pontiff.

He remembered the “prolonged trials and anguish“Venezuelans who know”were made worse by the terrible pandemic», And called for unity and reconciliation for the good of the country.

The Argentinian explained that the beatification of José Gregorio (1864-1919) takes place in “a special and difficult moment for Venezuelans“Y expressed his wish to visit the country.

Venezuela prepares for the beatification of José Gregorio Hernández (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernández Viloria)
Venezuela prepares for the beatification of José Gregorio Hernández (REUTERS / Leonardo Fernández Viloria)

Like my brother bishops, I know well the situation they are going through, and I am aware that their prolonged suffering and anguish has been made worse by the terrible COVID-19 pandemic which affects us all, ”he added.

He also wanted to remember “the so many dead and so many infected by the coronavirus who have paid with their lives, to maintain their tasks in precarious conditions“.

“This same pandemic, which today affects this great feast of the faith of beatification and which reduces it to avoid contagion for reasons of safety and health, He brings us all home, he doesn’t allow us to go out to celebrate, to shout, no because the pandemic is dangerousHe said, remembering that it will be a ceremony with few worshipers due to the restrictions.

On this occasion, Francisco also had in mind “to all those who have left the country in search of better living conditions, and also those who are deprived of liberty and those who lack the most necessary“.

He hoped that this beatification “can produce among all the response of the common good if necessary for the country to be reborn, reborn after the pandemic with a spirit of reconciliation “and urged Venezuelans to”in the midst of all difficulties, take concrete steps towards unity, without being overcome by discouragement“.

I ask God for reconciliation and peace among Venezuelans, I would like to visit you“Announced Francisco, who advocated that”public institutions always know how to ensure security and trust for all, and that the inhabitants of this beautiful land always find opportunities for human development and coexistence ”.

The Pope also called on Venezuelans to seek the path of national unity “for the good of Venezuela“And that everything” with seriousness and sincerity, with respect and reciprocal recognition, putting the common good before any other interest, work for unity, peace and prosperity, so that, in this way, citizens can live with normality, productivity, democratic stability, security, justice and hope ”.

He confessed that all the Venezuelans he met asked him when José Gregorio was going to be beatified and declared that the so-called “doctor of the poor” was “a model of holiness committed to defending life, with the challenges of history and, in particular, as a paradigm of service to others, as a Good Samaritan, without excluding anyone ”.

(With information from AFP and EFE)


The beatification of José Gregorio Hernández in Venezuela will take place in an “austere” and “sober” ceremony.

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