Pope Francis offers this exercise to embark on a path of holiness


Pope Francis invited the faithful, during the Angelus prayer this Sunday, August 29, to accuse themselves as an exercise to embark on a path of holiness.

During his reflection prior to the recitation of the Angelus, the Pope underlined that “we often think that evil comes mainly from the outside: from the behavior of others, from those who think badly of us, of society”.

“How often do we blame others, society, the world, for everything that happens to us! It is always the fault of the “others”: of the people, of those who govern, of bad luck. It seems that the problems always come from the outside. And we spend time distributing the blame; but spending time blaming others is a waste of time, ”he warned.

Rather, he encouraged us to ask the Lord “to free us from the blame of others”. Let us pray for the grace not to waste time polluting the world with lamentations, because this is not Christian. Jesus frequently invites us to look at life and the world with our hearts ”.

In this sense, he explained that “if we look inward, we will find almost everything that we hate on the outside. And if we sincerely ask the Lord to purify our hearts, then we will begin to make the world a cleaner place. Because there is an infallible way to overcome evil: to begin to overcome it in oneself ”.

“The first Fathers of the Church, the monks, when they asked themselves: ‘What is the way to holiness? Where do I start? The first step, they said, was to blame yourself: to blame yourself. The accusation of ourselves ”.

“How many of us, throughout the day, at one time of the day, or at one time of the week, are able to blame ourselves inside?” ‘Yes, this one did this to me, that one the other, that scandalous one…’. But I? I do the same, I like it … And it’s a wisdom: learning to accuse yourself. Try to do it, it will do you good. It makes me feel good when I try to do it, ”admitted Pope Francis.


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