Pope Francis’ prayer intention for October 2021


This Thursday, September 30, the Holy See released the video for Pope Francis’ prayer for the month of October, in which he asks to pray “so that every baptized person is available for the mission”.

In the video, the Holy Father recalls that “Jesus asks us all, and you too, to be missionary disciples”, and asks: “Are you ready?

The Pontiff recalls that “it is enough to be available to his call and to live united with the Lord in the most daily things, work, meetings, daily occupations, everyday coincidences, always letting oneself be guided by the Holy Spirit. . “

“If Christ moves you, if you do things because Christ guides you, others will easily notice it. And your testimony of life elicits admiration, and admiration makes others wonder, “How can this be so? or ‘where does this person get the love they treat everyone with, the kindness, the good humor?’

The Pope invites us to remember “Let us remember that the mission is not proselytizing, but this mission is based on a meeting between people, on the testimony of men and women who say: ‘I know Jesus, I would like you to know him too. ”

“Brothers and sisters, let us pray that each baptized person will participate in evangelization and that each baptized person will be available for the mission through his testimony of life. And may this testimony of life have the flavor of the Gospel, ”concluded Pope Francis.

Each month, the Holy See broadcasts a video of Pope Francis in which the Pontiff invites the Church to pray with him for a specific intention. It is an initiative of the Pope’s World Prayer Network, whose website explains that it is a pontifical work whose mission is to mobilize Christians through prayer and action, in the face of the challenges of humanity and the Church’s mission.


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