Pope Francis proposes this "medicine" for the heart


During the canonization Mass that took place on Sunday, October 13 in St Peter's Square in the Vatican, Pope Francis proposed prayer as "the door of faith", "the medicine of the heart".

As he explained during the homily, the pope encouraged to invoke "every day with confidence the name of Jesus: God saves." We repeat; is to pray Prayer is the door of faith, prayer is the medicine of the heart. "

And he emphasized that the thanks are very important because they constitute "the antidote to the aging of the heart".

"It is not a question of courtesy, but of good manners, it is a question of faith. A heart that thanks, remains young. Say, "Thank you Lord" when we wake up, during the day, before we rest, it is the antidote to the aging of the heart. So also in the family, between spouses: do not forget to say thank you. Thank you is the simplest and most beneficial word, "he said.

He also explained that "when we find Jesus," grace "is born spontaneously, because the most important thing in life is discovered, namely, not to receive a grace or to solve a problem, but to embrace the Lord of life."

Pope Francis also affirmed that faith "increases with the gift and grows with the risk" and that the Lord "works miracles if we leave our certainties easy, if we leave our safe harbors, our comfortable nests".

And he assured us that "our task is to take care of those who have stopped walking, who have gone astray: we are the protectors of our distant brethren. We are intercessors for them, we are responsible for them, we are called to react and take care of them. "

"Do you want to grow in faith? Take care of a distant brother, a distant sister, "said the pope.


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