Pope Francis sent a letter to Alberto Fernández – News


Pope Francis sent a letter to President Alberto Fernández on Thursday thanking him for his message following the operation he had to undergo 10 days ago, and asked for “an abundance of blessings” for the country achieves “justice, brotherhood and progress”. . “.

The Pope thanked the President for his message in which he wished him a speedy recovery after the operation he underwent in a sanatorium in Rome for colon diverticula and for which he received medical leave on Tuesday.

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In the letter, which reached the Head of State through the Apostolic Nunciature of Buenos Aires, the Pope told him that he had received “the attentive message of speedy recovery” which, on the occasion of his hospitalization at the Polyclinic scholar Agostino Gemelli, “had the courtesy” to send you.

“I thank you for this gesture and your kindness”, declared the Sovereign Pontiff in the letter addressed to Fernández.

In addition, the Sovereign Pontiff noted: “I raise my prayers to the Lord Jesus so that, also in these difficult times due to the pandemic, he may grant the beloved Argentine people an abundance of blessings, so that they may advance on the paths of justice, of brotherhood and progress “.

Jorge Bergoglio left the medical center in the Italian capital on Tuesday, where he underwent successful colon surgery on July 4.

Francisco, 84, had part of his colon removed during a scheduled procedure performed under general anesthesia, and which has evolved favorably.

During his hospitalization, the Argentine Pope was able to greet and bless some of the children admitted to the hospital, according to images released by the Holy See.

At that time, the Pope also shared his “joy” with his relatives for the triumphs of the Argentina national team in the America’s Cup and that of Italy in the Eurocup football, according to the Vatican spokesperson, Matteo Bruni.


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