Pope Francis showed his passion for football and played table football in full audience


Within the framework of General audience every Wednesday in the Vatican, Pope Francis once again showed his passion for football and played table football under the surprised gaze of dozens of followers and collaborators after the traditional ceremony.

True to his relaxed style, the highest authority of the Catholic Church has taken advantage of the weekly meeting with the faithful and tourists who take the opportunity to visit him and pray together to show once again his passion for football. On this occasion, the famous San Lorenzo fan played table football against Natale Tonini, from the association of table football fans (or table football, as it is called in Spain) from the Italian region of Tuscany. , in the Paul VI room of the cathedral of San Pedro.

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Pope Francis 20210818
Pope Francis played table football this Wednesday during the general audience where he received pilgrims and tourists.

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Barely a month and a half after having undergone a colon operation, Pope Francis showed this Wednesday that his 84 years did not prevent him from having fun since he was seen playing table football representing the team Red. In the images disseminated by the Vatican press, he was seen relaxed and smiling Under the gaze of dozens of onlookers who took their picture and filmed it.

This is not the first time that Francisco has captured the eyes of those present with his not very conservative style. Last week he had caused surprise because he had responded to a call from a collaborator in the middle of the General Audience, which takes place on Wednesdays of every week, unless the Supreme Pontiff is traveling or has a health problem.

Pope Francis 20210818
Every Wednesday, Francisco leads a ceremony where he gives a reading or a reflection on a topical subject.

Pope Francis calls for vaccination against covid: “It’s an act of love”

The unusual scene occurred amid the dissemination of the Sovereign Pontiff’s message regarding the coronavirus pandemic, in which he urged the population to get vaccinated, which he saw as an “act of love”. Through his Twitter account, from where he usually posts content for his millions of followers around the world, Francisco urged the population to get vaccinated amid uncertainty and fake news.

“Getting vaccinated is an act of love. Vaccines bring hope to end the pandemic, but only if they are available to everyone and if we work together. Thanks to God and the work of many, today we have vaccines to protect us from Covid-19. They bring hope to end the pandemic, but only if they are accessible to all and if we collaborate with each other “, underlined the Pope in a video broadcast on the Internet with which he joined the campaign” De Ti Depende ”, which aims to give promote vaccination.

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Likewise, the spiritual reference of the Catholic world is a special call for the international events of the last days. “#Pray together for Afghanistan, so that the roar of arms ceases and solutions are found at the dialogue table. Only in this way will the tormented population of this country be able to return home and live in peace, ”Francisco said of the political and military crisis in Afghanistan.

Regarding the natural disaster of Haiti, the Pope expressed his solidarity and added: “May the solidarity of all mitigate the consequences of the tragedy!


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