Pope Francis Signs in Loreto the Apostolic Exhortation of the Synod on Youth


Pope Francis chose the shrine of Loreto to sign, this Monday, March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, the Apostolic Exhortation of the recent Synod of Bishops on the theme "Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment" performed in the Vatican from October 3 to 28, 2018.

In front of the image of the Blessed Virgin of Loreto, the Pontiff signed the text of the exhortation, which will be published in the coming days, and offered it to Our Lady.

Later, the Holy Father went to the outside of the sanctuary where, before a crowd of faithful, he delivered a speech before the prayer of the Angelus.

In his words, the Pope recalled what the angel Gabriel said to Mary in Nazareth: "Rejoice, full of grace." He explained that this phrase "resonates singularly in this sanctuary, a privileged place to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God." Here, in fact, the walls which, according to tradition, come from Nazareth are kept where the Blessed Virgin pronounced her "yes", becoming the Mother of Jesus. "

"From the moment the so-called" House of Mary "became a revered and beloved presence on this hill, the Mother of God never ceases to bestow spiritual benefits to those who, with faith and devotion, come here to stop in prayer "

He pointed out that "to this oasis of silence and piety comes from Italy and from all over the world many people desiring to find strength and hope.I am thinking especially of young people, families and the sick. "

In addition, he emphasized the importance for the younger generations of this holy place, where, according to tradition, Miraculously moved the house of the Virgin in Nazareth: "The sacred house is the home of the young, because here the Virgin Mary , young people full of grace, he continues to speak to new generations, accompanying them in the search for their vocation ".

Therefore, "I wanted to sign here the Apostolic Exhortation fruit of the synod devoted to the young .This is called Christus vivit," Christ lives & # 39; In the case of the Annunciation, the dynamic of the vocation expresses in three moments that marked the Synod: listening to the word project of God, discernment, decision. "

The first moment, the one of listening, "is manifested in these words of the angel:" Do not be afraid of Mary (…), you will conceive a son that you will father and you will will call him Jesus. "It is always God who takes the initiative to call them to follow him.The call to faith and a coherent path of Christian life or special dedication is a discreet but powerful impetus from God in a young person's life, to offer him the gift of his love. "

"It is necessary to be willing and available to listen to and welcome the voice of God, who is not recognized in rumbling and agitation.His plan for our personal and social life It is not perceived by staying on the surface, but by descending to a deeper level where moral and spiritual forces act, where Mary invites young people to come down and adapt to the action of God. "

The second typical moment of each vocation is discernment ", as Mary says:" How will this happen? "Mary does not doubt, her question is not a lack of faith, but expresses her own desire to discover the" surprise "of God.There is a willingness to accept all the requirements of God's plan on his life, to know him in all its facets in order to make his own collaboration more responsible and complete. "

"It is the attitude of the disciple: all human collaboration with the free initiative of God must be inspired by a deepening of his capacities and his attitude, as well as by the awareness that it is always God who gives himself, acts Thus, the poverty and smallness of all those whom the Lord calls to follow him on the path of the Gospel are transformed into the riches of the Lord's manifestation and the power of the Almighty. "

The decision is the third pbadage that characterizes each Christian vocation "and is explicit in Mary's response to the angel:" Let it be done to me according to your word. "His" yes "to God's plan of salvation, realized through the Incarnation, is the abandonment of all his life to Him.It is the "yes" of total trust and total availability to God's will Mary is the model of every vocation and the inspirer of all pastoral vocations.

Francisco explained that "I think of Loreto as a privileged place where young people can come to seek their own vocation, to the school of Mary, a spiritual center at the service of vocations ministry".

For this reason, the pope asked the Capuchin brothers "to extend the opening hours of the basilica and the Holy House during the afternoon and the beginning of the night when there is groups of young people who come to pray and discern their vocation ".

The Holy Father thanked the Capuchin friars for the time spent in the sacrament of reconciliation, which allows confessors to be present during the opening hours of the Basilica.

On the other hand, "the House of Mary is also the" house of the family. "In the delicate situation of the world today, the family based on the marriage between a man and a woman is of importance and an essential mission: It is necessary to rediscover God's plan for the family, to reaffirm its greatness and irreplaceable character in the service of life and society. "

Also "the house of Mary is" the house of the sick. "Here, those who suffer in their body and their spirit are welcomed and the Mother brings to all the mercy of the Lord from generation to generation.The disease hurts the family and the sick must be welcomed into the family.The home and the family are the first care of the sick to love, support, encourage and take care of.For this reason, the shrine of the Holy House is the symbol of every home. home and sanctuary of the sick, from here I send to each one, in any part of the world, an affectionate thought ".

Pope Francis also addressed words to ecclesial realities related to the sanctuary of Loreto, to whom he said that God, through Mary "entrusts you with a mission at this time: to bring to our people the gospel of peace and people are often distracted, trapped in the interests of the earth or in a climate of spiritual aridity.They need simple and wise people, humble and courageous, poor and generous.In short, the people who at the school of Mary, welcome the gospel unreservedly in their lives. "

The pope concluded his speech by asking "the Blessed Virgin to help everyone, especially young people, to take the path of peace and fraternity, based on acceptance and forgiveness, the respect of others and their love gift of yes May our Mother, luminous star of joy and serenity, make a donation to families, sanctuaries of love, blessing and joy of life ".


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