Pope Francis spoke of the 216,000 sexual abuse of minors in France: “I hope that the Church commits to the path of redemption”


Pope Francis at the conference "Faith and science: towards the COP26 meeting" this Monday at the Vatican (Alessandro Di Meo / REUTERS)
Pope Francis at the conference “Faith and Science: Towards the COP26 meeting” this Monday at the Vatican (Alessandro Di Meo / REUTERS)

The Pope Francis expressed “immense sorrow” for the thousands of victims of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church to France denounced this Tuesday by an independent commission of this country, indicated in a press release on Vatican.

The pontiff “Think above all of the victims, with immense pain for their wounds and with gratitude for their courage to denounce”, wrote the spokesman of the pope, Matteo Bruni, referring to the 216,000 minors victims of sexual abuse by priests and religious in France since 1950, reveals the report.

In his message, the Pope wishes that “The Church of France, aware of this terrible reality, united to the suffering of the Lord for her most vulnerable children, is embarking on a path of redemption”, underlines the note.

In addition, he hopes that the victims will get “Consolation and justice” to achieve “the miracle of healing”.

The Argentine pontiff, who converted the fight against pedophilia within the Church a priority, was informed of the publication of the report of the French bishops, which he recently received at the Vatican for the traditional visit ad limina held every five years.

On this occasion “Knew its contents with pain”Bruni stepped forward.

Catholic Bishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, President of the French Episcopal Conference (CEF), attends the publication of an independent commission report on sexual abuse committed by ecclesiastical officials.  (THOMAS COEX / POOL / AFP)
Catholic Bishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, President of the French Episcopal Conference (CEF), attends the publication of an independent commission report on sexual abuse committed by ecclesiastical officials. (THOMAS COEX / POOL / AFP)

Around 3,000 aggressors

Following the publication of the report, The French episcopate on Tuesday expressed its “shame” and “shock” at what happened and apologized to the victims.

The number of abused minors includes assaults by some 3,000 priests and others connected with the Church, crimes that the Catholic authorities have covered for years in a “systematic way”, declared the president of the commission, Jean-Marc Sauvé.

The commission urged the Church to take firm action, denouncing the “mistakes” and “silence”. But he also asked the French state to Help compensate victims, especially in prescribed cases.

Around 80% of the victims were men.

Commission chairman Jean-Marc Sauvé attends the publication of an independent commission report on sexual abuse committed by church officials (THOMAS COEX / POOL / AFP)
Commission chairman Jean-Marc Sauvé attends the publication of an independent commission report on sexual abuse committed by church officials (THOMAS COEX / POOL / AFP)

“The consequences are very serious,” said Sauvé. “About 60% of men and women who have been sexually abused have significant problems in their love or sex life”.

The publication of the 2,500-page document occurs when The Catholic Church in France, as in other countries, seeks to confront the shameful secrets that it has been hiding for years.

The commission worked for two and a half years listening to victims and witnesses and studying church records., judicial, police and press since the 1950s. A hotline opened at the start of the investigation received 6,500 calls from alleged victims or people who claimed to know one.

Sauvé criticized the Church’s attitude until the early 2000s, calling it “Deep and cruel indifference to the victims.”

(With information from AFP and AP)

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New report shows 216,000 children have been sexually abused in the French Catholic Church
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