Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of 12 prisoners in a prison in Rome


Pope Francis he washed this holy Thursday the feet of 12 prisoners in a prison in the suburbs of Romeand asked that the gesture serve "so that we can be more friends and brothers in the service of others".

"It's a slaves gesture, when there was no asphalt in the streets and people came to the houses with dust on their feet, and that's what it is what does Jesus do: a slave gesture, he who had all the power, "he reminded himself. The pontiff must celebrate Mbad at the Last Supper, as the Catholic tradition calls it at the beginning of Holy Week.

After the message, Francisco washed the feet of 12 detainees: nine Italians, a Brazilian, an Ivorian and a Moroccan. Everyone kissed his feet, as they did last week with the leaders of Southern Sudan to demand effective peace in the African country.

Jesus then advised those he was washing: make this gesture to one another, to be brothers in service, not in the ambition of one who dominates the other, yes service, "said the head of the church of the improvised altar inside the penitentiary.

"I will do this gesture to imitate the gesture of Jesus, the bishop is not the most important, he should be the most servant. Each of us must serve others. It is the rule of the Gospel, the rule of service, which consists in not doing evil or humiliating others, "added Francisco during the improvised homily in Italian.

Francisco imitating Jesus and washing his feet during Holy Week. (Source: EFE).
Francisco imitating Jesus and washing his feet during Holy Week. (Source: EFE).

The morning, the pope began the celebrations of Holy Thursday with a Mbad in St. Peter's Basilica, in which he summoned 1800 priests to be "the image of the poor and the oppressed".

On Friday, from 21 years old in Rome (16 in Argentina), Jorge Bergoglio will lead in the Roman Coliseum the traditional Via Crucis This time it will be dedicated to human trafficking after celebrating the Lord's Pbadion in the Vatican Basilica.


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