Pope Francis: why he refused to be kissed by the fisherman's ring


Pope Francis salutes all the faithful but does not let him kiss the fisherman's ring.

Pope Francis has become viral in social networks after the broadcast of a video in which you can see how the Holy Father greet with curiosity the faithful who are trying to embrace the ring. A gesture in which it seems that Francisco only wants to hold his hand.

The moment took place during the visit of Pope Francis to the sanctuary of Loreto. There, after mbad – as is customary – the pontiff received the faithful. Usually, the ring embraces both the pope and the high office of the Church. An act of authority whose pontiff wanted to happen.

The potatoes bear what is called the fisherman 's ring, so called because it can only be worn by the successor of San Pedro – fisherman. When he was appointed to office, Pope Francis chose not to melt his ring with the gold of the previous one, but to have it made gold silver. For this reason, he became the first pope to wear a ring that the ancient pontiff did not use. In addition, the Holy Father sometimes only uses the fisherman's ring sometimes, since he usually chooses to wear the ring that he wore when he was Bishop of Buenos Aires.

During the visit to the sanctuary of Loreto, the pope emphasized the identity of this place: "I think of Loreto as a privileged place where young people can come in search of their vocation, at the school of Mary! I hope that the center "John Paul II" will be revived in the service of the Church in Italy and in the world. "

In addition, the pontiff explained the importance of the Loreto sanctuary as a meeting point: "The sanctuary of the Holy House of Loreto, also because of its geographical location in the center of the peninsula, is well suited to become, for in Italy, in a place of proposal for the continuation of the world meetings of the young people and the family ".

Pope Francis really does not want anyone to kiss his ring.
This from today, after Mbad … pic.twitter.com/CZUO8ppNfo

– Catholic Sat (@CatholicSat) March 25, 2019


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