Pope Francis withdrew the hand of the faithful when they knelt to kiss his ring


The dad Francisco He celebrated a mbad at the sanctuary of Loreto (Italy) and signed a new document addressed to the current youth. After the celebration and in front of the image of the Virgin of Loreto, many faithful came to greet him. However, he played in a somewhat uncomfortable situation that generated controversy.

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Whenever people they were trying to kiss the papal ring (also called the fisherman or fish ring), I took my hand again and again. Despite their reaction, some insisted on doing so.

But what was the reason for the rejection? EWTN Catholic correspondent Rome, Edward Pentin, explained that although it was an action he regularly performed – although less emphatically than on Monday – "The pope does not want the faithful to line up to greet him and kiss him in the ring, and he repels them".

Earlier in the day, I asked the Holy See Press Office if there was an explanation for @ PontifexThat's the behavior but there is no answer yet.

– Edward Pentin (@EdwardPentin) March 25, 2019

The video viralized via social networks has generated all kinds of comments among users. Some insisted that this was due to a gesture of humility and that the pontiff tries to put an end to this type of hierarchical behavior typical of the Catholic Church. For the moment, the press office of the Holy See has given no explanation.


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