Pope Francis worries about imminent Taliban takeover


Francisco hoped that “the noise of guns ceases and that solutions can be found at the dialogue table,” AFP news agency reported.

“It is only in this way that the members of the martyred population of this country – men, women, children and the elderly, will be able to return home, to live in peace and security, with full respect for one another”, he added.

After praying to the Angelus, Pope Francis dedicated his “prayers to the Lord for the victims” of the earthquake in Haiti, and offered “his word of encouragement to the survivors, in the hope that the international community shows them a shared interest and that the solidarity of all can mitigate the consequences of the tragedy. “

As reported by Vatican News, the Pope dedicated his prayers “to those dear people who have been hit hard by the earthquake,” which had its epicenter 160 kilometers from the capital Port-au-Prince.

For its part, the Church of Latin America and the Caribbean has issued a statement expressing its solidarity with Haiti.

“Make their situation ours in this time of emergency, with the aim of developing common pastoral actions aimed at rebuilding the social fabric, launching humanitarian actions for the care of life, and supporting the evangelizing mission of the Church Haitian ”, says the text signed by the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM), the Latin American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious (CLAR), the Latin American and Caribbean Secretariat of Cáritas (SELACC), the Inter-American Confederation of Catholic Education (CIEC) and the Latin American and Caribbean Confederation Caribbean Church Network on Migration, Displacement, Refuge and Human Trafficking (CLAMOR).

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