Pope Francisco: "We'll see if I can go soon" in Argentina


Source: Reuters – Credit: Youssef Boudlal


dad Francisco

badured today that he hopes to go "soon" to


to the question of a possible trip to his country of origin, in which he has not returned since his indignation in March 2013.

"We will see if I can go soon," said the pontiff during the flight that took him today from Rome to Rabat for a two-day visit to Rome.



During a dialogue with the journalists aboard the plane, the pontiff said he "would like" to go to


, another country that has not visited since its election to Pope 266 of the Catholic Church.

This year, Francisco has already traveled to Panama, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco, and confirmed trips to Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania – in May – as well as to Madagascar, Mozambique and in Mauritius – in September.

Argentina During his six years at the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis had several gestures with Argentine political and social leaders
he involved him in the politics of the country. In the last time, however, he distanced himself and asked his friends to help him no longer receive politicians.

The senator and former president

Cristina Kirchner

For example, he went four times to the head of the Church at the Vatican. All visits to Rome took place while he was president. They have also been seen in Brazil, Cuba and Paraguay.


Mauricio Macri

He met Francisco twice: the first hearing was in February 2016 and we remember the photo of Macri with a smile at the Pope's welcome, with a serious and severe gesture. The second meeting was held in October 2016 and the chairman felt that the purpose of the hearing was to put an end to the conjectures raised after the first meeting.

Telam Agency


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