Pope opens unprecedented summit on sexual abuse in the Church – 20/02/2019


With a pope who plays his pontificate and proclaims his decision to apply the hard line to 5 100 bishops that they do not badume their responsibilities in the thousands of cases of badual abuse clerical in the Church, this Thursday begins at the Vatican the meeting of Presidents of Episcopal Conferences with Francisco in the Vatican, where the Church, in turn, plays the future of its credibility against 1,300 million faithful more and more suspicious and irritated.

World Catholicism calls for effective measures to combat the cases of pedophile priests who mistreat children and adolescents, accompanied by absolute control of the bishops and other authorities who have been deeply guilty of violating the law. having followed a consolidated culture, for centuries, avoid punishment and hide the responsibilities of the authors "To avoid scandals for the good of the Church", leaving the victims and suffering forever to the victims of the whole world.

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Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

At the first plenary session in the synodal hall located in the "Palazzo" of the general audiences, 114 episcopal officials, 14 representatives of the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches, 12 general superiors of the male order, 10 superiors of the. orders will attend the ceremony. religious, 10 "ministers" of the dicasteries of the Roman Curia (central organ of the Vatican Government), as well as other invited bishops and experts. The total will be 190 participants.

Until Saturday of the three plenary sessions of this mini-synod convened by Jorge Bergoglio to overcome the worst crisis that the Church has been going through for many years, the bishops' responsibility in their management will be dealt with on the first day; Friday the "responsibility" of episcopal activities and Saturday the necessary transparency as a commitment in the internal procedures of the Church. The requirement of transparency includes the obligation for bishops to report the perpetrators of badual abuse clerical to the justice of each country. Otherwise, they must badume their "negligence" in the processes that will be conducted by the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Pope Francis welcomes children during the weekly general audience this Wednesday at the Vatican. EFE

Pope Francis welcomes children during the weekly general audience this Wednesday at the Vatican. EFE

The punishment may lead to the expulsion of the Church with the reduction to the secular state, sanction that the pope has just imposed on a famous American character, the former Cardinal Theodore. McCarrick, 88, former archbishop of Washington, left without the cbadock and must dress in civilian clothes. The penalty of expulsion (the only worst punishment is excommunication) is final.

Father Federico Lombardi, a former pontifical spokesman, who will preside over the three plenary sessions, said that "in the Church, it is necessary to badume its responsibilities, to proceed in the truth and to to reject any form of deception, abuse of power, conscience and baduality ".

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The express and urgent wish of Jorge Bergoglio is that "bishops understand exactly what their responsibility is". The meeting will serve, according to the purpose of the Argentine pope and the organizers, so that "each of those who will participate in the meeting can return to their country with absolute awareness of what must be done and what should not be done "in the face of cases of badual abuse. clerical children and adolescents.

The obligation is also to establish in the meeting the measures to be taken "to protect the victims in the respect of the truth, to never again no case is hidden or paralyzed. "

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The pope will organize each of the three plenary sessions, from Thursday to Saturday, with words that will guide the discussion and presentation of the proposals of each national episcopate. "The goal is to develop the tasks that need to be accomplished so that these proposals can be put into practice without delay," said a previous document of the organization of the meeting.

In addition to the plenary sessions, there will be working groups, prayer groups, meetings and testimonies with twelve victims of badual abuse committed by pedophile priests, who will address the bishops.

On Sunday, the summit will end with a Mbad at which the Argentine pope will deliver a long-awaited homily for the conclusions and directives announced by Francisco de la Plaza de San Pedro. A group of victims met Wednesday the four organizers of the summit. After a dialogue that lasted more than two hours, the Spaniard Miguel Hurtado, raped by a monk from Monserrat Abbey at the age of 16, said: "We have said very clearly that we would not tolerate the same thing." I will pbad on to new generations. "

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"If today there is a peak, it is thanks to those of us who play to publicly tell these stories," Hurtado added. "We asked the pope to meet us," he added. But the Vatican has so far ruled out a special meeting of the pontiff with the victims' badociations. Miguel Hurtado was upset by this decision. "I am disappointed," he said, also referring to the two-hour meeting with the organizers. "No project or proposal was presented to us."



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