Pope: pray for the leaders, they will do the same for the people


By resuming Mbad at Santa Marta, the pope recalled in his homily the first letter of St. Paul to Timothy and urged him to raise prayers to God also for the leaders. Francisco pointed out that today, it seems that praying for them "insults" them. That is why he asked, especially to Italians who recently experienced a government crisis, that they prayed for those who were called to rule the country.

Giada Aquilino – Vatican City

Pray also for leaders and politicians, so that they "can carry out their vocation with dignity". Pope Francis said it during the Mbad celebrated in the chapel of the house of Santa Marta, which resumed this morning after the summer break.


In reflecting on the first letter of the Apostle St. Paul to Timothy, the pontiff observed that "all the people of God" were exhorted to pray, in a "universal petition": That they be made " without anger and without controversy, "said Francis," petitions, supplications, prayers and thanks for all men "and, at the same time," for kings and for all the holders of power ", so that they can lead "a calm and quiet life, worthy and dedicated to God".

Paul puts a little emphasis on the environment of a believer: this is prayer. It is the intercessory prayer, here: "Let all pray for all, so that we may lead a calm and peaceful life, worthy and dedicated to God." Prayer to make this possible. But there is one hint I would like to stop: "For all men then add for kings and for all who are in power. "It is therefore a question of prayer for leaders, for politicians, for those responsible for the implementation of a political institution, a country, a province.

Pray for those who think differently

They receive, he says, "flatteries from their favorites or insults". There are politicians, but there are also priests and bishops, insulted – some deserve it "- said the pope – he added – but it is now" like a habit ", remembering what he calls a "string of insults and disqualifications. "And yet, who is in the government" has the responsibility to lead the country ": and we – asked us the Pontiff -" we leave him alone, without asking God to bless him "?" I'm sure – did you he continued – that people do not pray for leaders, on the contrary: it seems that the prayer for leaders is to "insult them." And so – he discovered – "our life is in relationship with" St. Paul – he explained – is "clear" by asking "to pray for each one of them so that they can lead a calm, peaceful and dignified life in their city." And he recalled that the Italians had recently experienced "a government crisis".

Who of us prayed for the leaders? Who of us prayed for parliamentarians? So that they can reach an agreement and move the country forward? It seems that the patriotic spirit does not reach prayer; Yes, disqualifications, hatred, fighting, and that's how it ends. "So I hope that everywhere men pray by raising pure hands to the sky, without anger and without controversy." We must discuss and it is the function of a parliament, we must discuss but not annihilate the other; In addition, we must pray for the other, for which he has a different opinion of mine.

A call for conversion

In front of whom he thinks the politician is "too communist" or "corrupted", the pope – also citing the Gospel of Luke – does not ask to "discuss politics" but – insists – prays. Then there are those who say that "politics is dirty". But Paul VI – he stressed – considered that it was "the highest form of charity":

It can be dirty as each of the professions can be dirty, each of them … It's us that dirty something but it is not the thing itself that is dirty. I think we should convert and pray for politicians of all colors, everyone! Pray for the leaders. That's what Paul asks us. Listening to the Word of God, I remembered this beautiful fact of the gospel, the leader who prays for one of his own, this centurion who prays for one of his. The leaders must also pray for his people, and he prays for a servant, perhaps for a servant: "But no, he is my servant, I am responsible for him." Leaders are responsible for the life of a country. It is good to think that if the people pray for the rulers, they can also do it, just as this centurion prays for his servant.


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