Pope promulgates new anti-corruption law for Vatican officials


ROMA.- In a new twist to move forward with internal cleansing and the long-standing goal of achieving full transparency in the economy, Pope Francis today enacted a new anti-corruption law whose aim is to avoid hiring executives with “unsanctified” resumes – as happened in the latest financial scandal linked to the million dollar purchase of property in London -, as well as other shady operations.

In what implies an absolute novelty, the new law prohibits any Vatican employee from accepting gifts or “other benefits” worth more than 40 euros (just over $ 48). A provision which, after the recent reduction in salaries for superiors, will not fall too well among the high prelates of the curia, who in various cases usually receive invitations to travel, vacations or gifts for values ​​well above 40 euros.

Beyond this detail, which has attracted the most attention, with the apostolic letter in the form of motu proprio (of his own decision) “on the provisions relating to transparency in the management of public finances”, Pope Francis first of all It requires managers and administrators to declare that they have not been convicted or investigated for terrorism, money laundering or tax evasion. Additionally, leaders may not have assets in tax havens or invest in companies that operate against Church doctrine.

“Faithfulness in small things is related, according to the Scriptures, with faithfulness in important things. Just like being dishonest in things of little importance, it is linked to being dishonest in things that are important too ”. With these words, the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires drafted the new law, which came into force immediately, with its publication, today, in the Roman observer.

At the start of the new decree, François recalled that by adhering to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (in September 2016), the Holy See had decided “to adhere to best practices to prevent and combat” this phenomenon “under its different forms ”. He also recalled that in May of last year, with another important law on public procurement and tendering, measures had been taken in the fight against corruption in this area.

View of St. Peter's Square in Rome, April 18, 2021
View of St. Peter’s Square in Rome, April 18, 2021

“But corruption can manifest itself in many different forms and forms, even in sectors other than public procurement, and for this reason regulations and best practices at the international level provide for those holding key positions in the public sector. particular transparency obligations in order to prevent and combat, in each sector, conflicts of interest, forms of favoritism and corruption in general, ”he explained.

Thus, acting according to the principle of transparency, he established that henceforth all those who are in the functional levels C, C1, C2 and C3 (that is to say from cardinals heads of dicasteries to deputy directors with director contracts of five years), and all those who exercise administrative or active judicial control and oversight functions must sign a declaration upon hiring and every two years thereafter. To do this, he added some articles to the General Regulations of the Roman Curia.

Administrators must declare that they have not had any final convictions, either in the Vatican or in other states, and that they have not been granted a pardon, amnesty or pardon, and have not been acquitted by prescription. In addition, not be the subject of criminal proceedings or ongoing investigations for participation in a criminal organization, corruption, fraud, terrorism, money laundering of criminal activities, exploitation of minors, trafficking or exploitation of human beings. humans, tax evasion or tax evasion. They must also declare that they do not own, even through intermediaries, cash or investments or interests in companies or companies in the countries included in the list of jurisdictions at high risk of money laundering (unless their relatives are residents or are domiciled for a proven family, work or study).

And that’s not all. They must also guarantee, to their knowledge, that all property, movable and immovable, which they own or have only possession, as well as any type of remuneration which they receive, comes from lawful activities. The demand “not to have” any stakes or “interests” in companies or enterprises that operate for purposes contrary to the social doctrine of the Church is also significant, as the Vatican News portal underlines. Vatican.

Coincidentally last Monday, in what appeared to be a real scandal, an investigative TV show on Italian channel Rai 3 revealed that a few years ago the Secretary of State – whom the Pope removed last year money management, another movement that created a lot of internal bad mood – he invested part of his funds in a pharmaceutical company that produces the morning after pill, which is obviously against the social doctrine of the Church, which condemns abortion.

The truth is that according to the new law, the Secretariat of the Economy, the super-ministry of the Economy managed by the Spanish Jesuit Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, will not only keep these declarations (the copy of which must also be at the Secretariat of State), but can also verify its veracity. And the Holy See, in case of false or misleading statements, can dismiss the employee and claim the damages suffered.

Finally, the “motu proprio” prohibits – in a novelty which concerns all employees of the Roman Curia, the Vatican City State and related organizations – from accepting, because of their function, “gifts or other benefits “worth more than 40 euros. Se trata de un viejo problema en el Vaticano donde, desde mucho antes de que el papa Francisco fuera electo, es sabido que para que avanzaran causas de canonización, en la Congregación para las Causas de los Santos llegaban dones, regalos y “beneficios” de all types.

Conocé The Trust Project
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