Pope to Regina Coeli: call for Ukraine and nostalgia for St. Peter’s Square


“Thank God, we can meet in this square for the Sunday and festive meeting. I tell you something: I lack space when I have to do the Angelus in the library ”. These are the words of the Pope after praying to the Mother of Heaven on this 3rd Sunday of Easter.

Mireia Bonilla – Vatican City

After praying to the Regina Coeli, the Holy Father expressed his gratitude to God for being able to meet in Saint Peter’s Square this Sunday, April 18 with the faithful: “I tell you one thing: I lack space when I have to do the work. ‘Angelus in the library. I am happy, thank goodness. And thank you for your presence ”he said to the faithful present in the square.

Call for Ukraine

After these fine words, the Pope spoke of “something sad”, assuring that “he follows with deep concern the events in certain regions of eastern Ukraine, where the violations of the ceasefire have multiplied in recent months, and I observe with great concern the increase in military activities ”. Faced with this tragic situation, François appealed: “Please, I hope that the increase in tensions will be avoided and, on the contrary, gestures are made which promote mutual trust and promote reconciliation and peace. peace that are so needed and they are desired ”. In addition, he expressed his closeness to the Ukrainian people, “who are going through a serious humanitarian situation” and prayed a Hail Mary for them.

Beatification of Simeón Cardón and five companion martyrs

Moment which he also wanted to take advantage of to make the strange recall. Francisco recalled that yesterday, at the Abbey of Casamari, Simeón Cardón and five companion martyrs, Cistercian monks of this abbey, were proclaimed blessed. “In 1799, when French soldiers retreating from Naples sacked churches and monasteries, these gentle disciples of Christ resisted with heroic courage, even to death, to defend the Eucharist from desecration” , expressed the Pope at the same time as he invited us to follow his example: “May his example lead us to a greater commitment of fidelity to God, capable also of transforming society and making it more just and fraternal. We applaud the new blessed! “.

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Day

He also recalled that today the Day of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart is celebrated in Italy, which – he says – “renders a precious service to the formation of new generations”, he said. Subsequently, he expressed the wish that she “continue to fulfill its educational mission of helping young people to be the protagonists of a future full of hope” and cordially blessed the staff, teachers and students of university.


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