Pope: who loves the Church does not accuse him by destroying it with the tongue


The character of St. Pio of Pietrelcina inspired Pope Francis during the meeting with the faithful of Benevento, which took place this morning in front of the general audience, in the basilica of San Pedro. The pontiff reminded in his reflection that to love the Church, it is to forgive

María Fernanda Bernasconi – Vatican City

This morning at 9:10 am, in front of the usual weekly public with faithful of many countries, the Holy Father Francisco was found in the basilica of San Pedro with the 2,500 participants in the pilgrimage to Rome of the Archdiocese of Benevento, accompanied by Archbishop Felice Accrocca. They wanted to correspond with the pastoral visit that the Pontiff made to Pietrelcina on March 17, on the occasion of the centenary of the appearance of the permanent stigmata of San Pío and the fiftieth anniversary of his death.

At the end of the meeting with the bishop of Rome, these pilgrims were able to follow the Vatican Basilica through an audio-visual link to the general audience that was held in the Paul VI Hall.

With joy, the Holy Father gave them a hello saying that there were so many that it looked like a canonization. And he thanked them for this visit, starting with the bishop, the mayors and all those present, claiming that this gesture certainly reflected the sensitivity of the soul.

Recalling the visit that he had the pleasure of doing in Pietrelcina, the Pontife renewed his sincere thanks for the warm welcome that had been reserved for him on this occasion. And he told them that he never forgets that day and that he also does not forget the many sick people that he hailed and who did this visit remain in his heart.

Padre Pio is distinguished by his faithfulness to the Church

He also wished these pilgrims that the memory of this event, charged with ecclesial and spiritual significance, would revive in each one the will to deepen the life of faith, in the wake of the teachings of his illustrious and holy compatriot, the Father. Pio, who is distinguished by his firm faith in God, his firm hope in heavenly realities, his generous dedication to the people and his faithfulness to the Church, which he has always loved with all his problems and its adversities.

You can not live your whole life accusing the Church

Francisco took the opportunity to emphasize this aspect, namely that Padre Pio loved the Church, with all its adversities and sinners. Because the Church is holy, she is the wife of Christ and, the pope told us, we are children of the Church, we are all sinners and great, but he has loved the Church as it was, it did not destroy it with the tongue, as it is fashionable to do it now. No!

For this reason, he added that whoever loves the Church knows how to forgive, because he knows that he is himself a sinner and that he needs God's forgiveness. He knows how to fix things, because the Lord wants to fix things but always with pardon: we can not live a whole life by accusing, accusing, accusing the Church.

The office of the accuser

He also asked who was the office of the accuser. And he said that "the Bible calls him the devil". "And those who spend their lives accusing, accusing, accusing are: I will not say children, for the devil has none, but friends, cousins, and relatives of the devil. that is wrong, we must point out the defects to correct, but at the moment the defects are reported, the defects are denounced, the Church is loved.Less love, that's the devil.Saint Padre Pio was in love with the Church with all her problems and difficulties, with the sins of her children, do not forget that. "

Before saying goodbye, Pope Bergoglio encouraged them to understand and accept more and more the love of God, the source and motive of our true joy. And he emphasized that we are called to give this life-changing love, especially to the weakest and most needy. While each of us, by spreading divine charity, helps to build a more just and united world.

This is why, like Padre Pio, the Holy Father asked them to please, do not tire of trusting Christ and proclaiming his goodness and mercy through the witness of his life. This – he added – is what men and women, also of our time, expect from the disciples of the Lord. Testimony.

And he invited them to think about San Francisco and what he said to his followers: "Come on, witness, the words are not necessary." Sometimes it is necessary to speak, but the bishop of Rome recommended them to start with the testimony, to live as a Christian, testifying that love is more beautiful than hate, that the only thing I can do is to talk about it. friendship is more beautiful than enmity and that fraternity between us is more beautiful than war.

Thanks again for this visit! – concluded the Holy Father – and he gave each one his blessing, which he extended to their families, to their communities and to all the Archdiocese of Benevento.


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