Pope will not celebrate mass in San Pedro on Sunday due to his state of convalescence


Francisco has given up presiding over a mass next Sunday in the Basilica of San Pedro, because he “is still recovering” after a colon operation.

“This is something quite normal, the pope is still recovering“the source said, although he announced that Francois will look out the window of the Apostolic Palace on Sunday noon for the traditional prayer of Angelus, as he did last week.

the Pontiff The Argentine was planning to preside over a solemn mass for the World Grandparents Day and the elderly in the Vatican basilica.

It is a celebration of about two hours, during which he almost always stands and delivers a homily.

On this occasion, the mass will be presided over by a prelate of the Curia romana, the bishop Rino Fisichella, AFP news agency reported.

the Dad, 84, underwent surgery on July 4 when part of your colon has been removed, in programmed intervention and carried out under general anesthesia.

When he came out of roman hospital after ten days of hospitalization, the pontiff stopped at the basilica of Saint Mary Major before returning to his residence in the Vatican City.

On this occasion, the Dad He was mobilized in a wheelchair inside the basilica, according to the photographs released.

Francisco also suffers from a chronic sciatica This forces him to limp and causes him great pain, which is why on several occasions he has had to give up holding official ceremonies.

the Pontiff has scheduled a series of overseas trips this year, including one from September 12 to 15 Slovakia, with a step of a few hours for Budapest, capital of Hungary.

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