Pope will not chair upcoming sciatica reoccurrence celebrations


The director of the Vatican press office reported that Francis will not preside over the Sunday Mass of the Word of God, but will lead the Angelus prayer. Vespers on Monday January 25 in San Pablo will not be chaired by the Pope while the meeting with the diplomatic corps is postponed

Vatican City

“Due to the reappearance of sciatica, tomorrow morning’s celebration at the Altar of the Chair of the Vatican Basilica” will not be chaired by the Pope, but by Monsignor Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization. This was announced in a statement by the director of the Holy See press office, Matteo Bruni. Due to this painful obstacle, the Pope was unable to preside over the end and beginning of the year rites.

The Pope will continue to lead the Angelus prayers at noon tomorrow in the library of the Apostolic Palace, as scheduled, reports the Vatican Press Office, which also reports that on Monday the 25th Vespers of the Week of Prayer concludes for the Unity of Christians in St. Paul’s Basilica will be chaired by Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity and not by the Pope as planned. The meeting with the diplomatic corps on Monday, January 25 has been postponed.


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