Pope’s Angelus: “Let us not reject God’s call. Let us respond with love”


During the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday January 17, the Holy Father encouraged the faithful not to reject God’s call in our lives and to respond to it with love.

Vatican City

On January 17, the second Sunday in ordinary time, Pope Francis offered the Marian Angelus prayer in the library of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, without the presence of the faithful due to the pandemic.

Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel which tells of Jesus’ meeting with his first disciples at the Jordan, the day after his baptism, the Holy Father recalled that it is precisely John the Baptist who designates the Messiah to two of them with these words: “Here is the Lamb of God!” (v. 36).

Meeting with Jesus: “We have found the Messiah”

And these two, trusting the testimony of the Baptist, – continued the explanation of Francis – follow Jesus who realizes it and says: “What are you looking for?” and they ask him: “Master, where do you live? To which Jesus does not answer:” I live in Capernaum or Nazareth “, but says:” Come and see “(v. 39).

In this sense, the Pontiff underlined that the words of the Lord “are not a calling card, but an invitation to a meeting. The two men, who will prove to be Andrea and his brother Simon, whom Jesus will call” Peter “, follow him and they stay with him this afternoon, speaking, “noticing the beauty of the words which answer his ever greater hope”.

After this meeting, they both return to their brothers and recognize “overflowing with joy”: “We have found the Messiah” (v. 41).

Likewise, the Pope deepened this experience of encountering Christ who calls us to be with him:

“Each call from God is an initiative of his love. God calls to life, calls to faith and calls for a particular state of life. God’s first call is to life; with it, he constitutes us as persons; it is an individual call, because God does not do things in series. So God calls us to faith and to be part of his family, as children of God “

On the other hand, the Holy Father affirmed that God also calls each of us to a particular state of life:

Don’t reject God’s call

“He calls us to give of ourselves on the path of marriage, the priesthood or the consecrated life. These are different ways of carrying out the project that God has for each of us, which is always a project of love. great joy for every believer is to respond to this call, to give himself completely to the service of God and his brothers. “

Likewise, the Pope underlined that faced with the Lord’s call, “which can reach us in a thousand ways, also through people, events, both happy and sad”, our attitude can sometimes be of rejection, it seems that this contrasts with our aspirations, or fear, because we consider it too demanding and uncomfortable ”.

Respond to God only with love

In this regard, Francis underlined that the call of God is love, “and it is answered only with love”.

“At the beginning there is an encounter, precisely the encounter with Jesus, who speaks to us of the Father, makes us know his love. And then, spontaneously, the desire to communicate it to the people we love also springs up in us: “I have found Love, I have found the meaning of my life. In short: I have found God »»

“May the Virgin Mary help us to make our lives a song of praise to God, in response to his call and in the humble and joyful accomplishment of his will”, the Pope concluded.


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