Pope's historic meeting to heal the Church | Chronic



Synod, without odos, in Greek means with way. Go together What is what Francisco it is proposed in the convocation to bishops of the whole world. Walk together as a church at the universal level.

It's difficult, almost impossible, but miracles exist. This meeting is the first to be done in history. Francisco made this decision and launched it five months later.

Take the time to face the ills of clerical pedophilia, which pitilessly punishes the Church. This damage is the worst of all time. Before, they quarreled between popes, kings, great men. It was scary. Nothing as shameful as now.

Children are victims of violations committed by their pastors in all orders and in all orders, even in confessionals. This is not a meeting either. It is to heal the Church in the presence of God. Here, no one will be a bishop with the privileges of a prince, but he will be with his people. Francisco is the Pierre what is missing

It is revolutionizing with the practice of a pilgrim church. The victims are the consequence of an ecclesiastical hierarchy with abusive power. He can not be allowed to continue to harm. For Bergoglio, it is urgent to correct this. Its task is to uproot the abusive power of clericalism, which is part of the culture of a privileged social clbad.

Bergoglio has a word: "I promise to protect minors and I promise that those responsible will be responsible". Reply to the letter. Listen to the victims An apostolate of listening.

We plan in Chronic the dismissal of "Untouchable" cardinal Theodore McCarrickthat Francisco condemned to secularism. A decision he took without his pulse trembling.

James Grein, one of McCarrick's main accusers, abused by him, said: "Today, I am happy because the pope believed me". Grein was an altar boy when he was fumbled, in the confessional, among other abuses, by McCarrick. There are attitudes that do not have God's forgiveness. The rest is silence.


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